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If you want to report another student’s misconduct then you should use the Student Complaints Procedure

It is not always easy to report misconduct. Before you make a report, you can seek guidance from, or talk freely and in confidence to:

​​​You can make an initial report online using the Report and Support system.

The Student Case Management team are available to talk to you about the complaint process.

If you have any questions, or want to discuss making a complaint, contact us at

Will the University always investigate complaints?

The University will always investigate any allegation of misconduct. If you report concerns about the actions of another student it will always be taken seriously.

Can I make a complaint anonymously?

Yes, but it makes it much harder to investigate an allegation. Fairness is vital in any investigation. It is very hard to treat both sides in a complaint fairly without openness and transparency. Therefore we don’t encourage anonymous complaints. However, you can make an anonymous report through Report and Support

Will the police be involved?

If you have been the victim of a serious crime the University will normally advise you to report it to the Police. It is always your choice whether to report something to the police, the University or both.

The University only has limited powers compared to the police. For instance, we can’t make someone attend an interview and we can’t seize mobile phone records. The heaviest sanction the University can impose is expulsion.

University action is not always a good substitute for police action.

How long does the process take?

It can vary a lot. The University can normally act quite quickly.

However, if something is reported to the police the University will normally wait until the police/legal process has finished before taking action. On rare occasions - usually for very serious allegations - students who are accused of misconduct might be suspended while the case is investigated.

What do I do if I need help and advice?

The Students’ Union Advice Centre is where you’ll find a listening ear and experienced, trained staff offering specialist, student-centred advice. It’s also free and totally independent.

Go to the Students’ Union Advice Centre.