About the prize

QuietManDave inspired many people to pursue their creative passions and this competition continues that by seeking to encourage new writing - and discover and celebrate new writers.

Our Flash Fiction and Flash Non-Fiction categories encompass the forms of writing that Dave was best known for, while creating an exciting space for other kinds of work, too. Here is some guidance on what you might like to submit for the Flash Fiction Prize. 

What is Flash Fiction?

Also called microfiction, nanofiction or short shorts, these are short stories distilled down to their essence, a whole and complete world in - for the purposes of this competition - 500 words or even less. There are no rules for what makes a great piece of flash fiction, which might tell of a whole life and have a huge cast, or cover 10 minutes and have only one or two characters. Flash fictions may be told in any form or style, from different points of view, be about any subject or in any genre - from science fiction to humour, thriller to psychological drama, everything is possible in this small space! Flash fiction is as much about what is not on the page and what is left to the reader’s imagination as the words you choose to include. Tell us a story that grips from the opening line and doesn’t let us go.

For some examples of flash fiction see: