My profile


Professor Francis Fatoye BSc (Hons), MSc (SportMed), MSc (HEcon), PhD, MBA

Francis is the Director Centre for Health, Psychology and Communities and a Research Professor of Health Economics and Outcomes in the Department of Health Professions. He successfully co-led the University’s REF2021 submission in Allied Health Professions.

His research interests include Health Economics and Evaluations; Global Health Economics; Outcomes Research; Health Technology Assessment (HTA); Musculoskeletal Disorders; and Real World Evidence. Francis is an Associate Editor for BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders and on the editorial board of three journals.

Academic and professional qualifications

  • PhD Specialising in Musculoskeletal and Health Outcomes Assessment, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
  • MSc Health Economics and Health Policy, University of Birmingham
  • MSc Sports Medicine, University of Nottingham 
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), Ondo State University, Nigeria
  • BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Previous employment

Prior to my PhD studies, I worked as a Senior Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. In 2006, I joined the Faculty of Health Psychology and Social Care, Manchester Metropolitan University as a Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy. I became the Programme Leader for an inter-professional programme the MSc Professional Practice Development in 2010.

Other academic service (administration and management)

  • Director, Health, Pychology and Communities Research and Knowledge Exchange Research Centre - 2018 to present
  • Deputy Head, Faculty Research Degrees - 2016 to 2019
  • Research Group Lead – Health Services and Outcomes Research Group - 2014 to 2017
  • Programme Leader, MSc Professional Practice Development - 2010 to 2015
  • Non Parent Governor, Lancasterian School, Manchester - 2014 to 2018

External examiner roles

Masters Degree Programmes

  • Keele University, School of Health and Rehabilitation: MSc Healthcare Sciences – 2011 to 2016
  • Qatar University, College of Public Health: Masters of Public Health (MPH)) – 2017

Doctoral/Research Degrees Examinations

2021 PhD: Effect of dynamic stabilization exercise therapy enhanced with muscle energy techniques on some selected physical function and self-reported outcomes in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. University of KwaZulu-Natal

2020 PhD: An investigation of sensorimotor dysfunction and cortical excitability in people with chronic low back pain. Teesside University, UK

2020 PhD: Advances in human factors in complex trauma and emergency anaesthesia and their implementation into military and civilian trauma system. Manchester Metropolitan University.

2020 PhD: Non-Immunoglobulin-E gastrointestinal allergy in children: diagnosis, management and clinical impact. Manchester Metropolitan University.

2018 PhD: Towards the design of sports compression garments with controlled pressure. Manchester Metropolitan University.

2018 Professional Doctorate: Accelerated Red Cell Transfusion for Selected Patients Receiving Blood Transfusion at Home. Manchester Metropolitan University.

2017 PhD: Knee pain and knee related disabilities in the Western development region of Nepal. University of Central Lancashire, UK.

2016 PhD: Prevalence and incidence of knee problems in young adults. University of Central Lancashire, UK.

2016 Professional Doctorate: Does chronic low back pain affect locus of control? Manchester Metropolitan University.

2016 PhD: Actinotherapy as a therapeutic tool for vitamin D synthesis – implications for related health factors. Guru Nanak Dev University, India.

2015 PhD: Why are patients with diabetes peripheral neuropathy more likely to fall? An examination of the underpinning biomechanical mechanisms of locomotion and the influence of intervention.  Manchester Metropolitan University.

2015 PhD: The effects of over-the-counter nutritional supplements on physiological changes associated with limb immobilisation. Manchester Metropolitan University.

2015 PhD by Publication: Screening for pregnancy complications at 11-13 weeks’ gestation. Manchester Metropolitan University.

2015 (MSc by Research): A physiotherapy-led group based intervention using interactive behavioural modification therapy (IBMT) for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Manchester Metropolitan University.

2014 PhD: Access to and use of healthcare services by Palestinian women in the UK. Focusing on maternal and child healthcare services. Manchester Metropolitan University.

2013 Professional Doctorate: Evaluating referral appropriateness in primary care extended scope physiotherapists through the development of referral criteria for rotator cuff tears. Manchester Metropolitan University.

Expert reviewer for journals and publishers

I am a reviewer of manuscripts for the following journals:

  • Age and Ageing
  • BMC Health Services Research
  • BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Clinical Biomechanics
  • Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle
  • Clinical Rehabilitation
  • Current Rheumatology Reviews
  • International Journal of General Medicine
  • Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
  • Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
  • Journal of Clinical Nursing
  • Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies
  • Journal of Physical Therapy and Health Promotion
  • Gait and Posture
  • Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
  • Medical Engineering & Physics
  • Musculoskeletal Care
  • Nigerian Journal of Medical Rehabilitation
  • Pediatrics
  • Pediatric Rheumatology
  • Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Research in Developmental Disabilities
  • South African Journal of Physiotherapy
  • Universal Journal of Clinical Medicine
  • Value in Health

Consultancy and advisory roles

2015 to present: Outcomes Consultant to Abacus International on the outcomes of post-implantation of the ATUNE® Knee System

2015 to present: Health Economics Consultant to Centre for Health and Social Evaluation, Teesside University, UK

Prizes and awards

Distinguished Alumnus, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Inagural Lecture 23 October 2017

Other distinctions

2017: Member, Expert Advisory Panel on Chronic Wound Management – Urgo Medical

2016 to 2020: Member of the Emergency and Hospital Care Advisory Panel – National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)/Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

2016 to 2018: Member, European Real-World Informatics Consortium, Astellas Pharma

2015 to 2018: Member, Advisory Board for Real World Evidence (“Big Data”), Astellas Pharma Europe

2013 to 2015: Chair, Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee (DMEC) for NIHR funded research trail: the effects of a comprehensive physiotherapy intervention for adults with joint hypermobility syndrome.

Expert reviewer for external funding bodies

I have been a grant reviewer for:

  • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR): HTA, RfPB, and HS&DR programmes
  • Research Foundation Flanders (Vlaanderen - FWO), Odysseus Programme, Belgium 
  • Arthritis Research UK, United Kingdom 
  • Dutch Arthritis Foundation (Reumafonds) 
  • Health and Care Research Wales, United Kingdom
  • South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF)
  • Medical Research Council (MRC), United Kingdom
  • Scientific College of the Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy

Visiting and honorary positions

Adjunct Professor, Great Lakes University of Kisumu, Kenya

Editorial board membership

I am Associate Editor for:

  • BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 
  • Clinical Case Reports

I am also on the Editorial Boards for: 

  • Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
  • Nigerian Journal of Medical Rehabilitation


Undergraduate courses

I teach Health Economics, Research Methods and Evidence-based Practice on the MSc Pre-Reg Physiotherapy, MSc Physiotherapy and MSc Professional Practice Development programmes. 

Postgraduate teaching

I also teach Health Economics and Research Methods on the MSc Professional Practice Development.


Postgraduate supervision (completed/in progress)

I supervise Masters’ and Doctoral students within the UK and overseas. I also contribute to the Postgraduate Research students development programme. 

PhD Completions

1. An Assessment of Quality Management Practices in General Hospitals in Saudi Arabia* – completed

2. The use of clinical and cost effectiveness evidence to inform reimbursement of medical devices: the case of acute wound care and orthopaedic fractures* – completed 2020

3. A clinical and economic evaluation of protease-modulating matrix interventions for diabetic foot and leg ulcers: Towards the development of treatment guidelines in the United Kingdom  – completed 2020

4. The Outcomes of Opt out Model of Antenatal HIV Screening testing in Abuja, Nigeria* – completed 2020

5. Evolution of Patient Centric Research and the Integration of Patient Reported Outcomes in Pharmaceutical Development for Prostate Cancer* – completed 2019

6. Characterising the Quality of Clinical Guidelines, Epidemiology and Healthcare Resource Utilisation of Neurogenic Bladder* – completed 2019

7. Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Tacrolimus in the Management of Renal and Liver Transplant (PhD by Publication)* – completed 2018

8. The role of Real World Evidence (RWE) in the Cost-effectiveness Analyses of Pharmacological Treatments for Overactive Bladder (PhD by Publication)* – completed 2017

9. Relationship Difficulties Associated with Personality Disorder: Implications for Practice – completed 2017

10. Development and Evaluation of a Standardised Pre-operative Physiotherapy for Patients Undergoing ACL Reconstruction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia* – completed 2016

11. The Evolving Use of Administrative Health Data for Quantifying Burden of Illness (PhD by Publication)* – completed 2015

12. Modern Psychometric Standards in the Design and Application of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PhD by Publication)* – completed 2015

13. The Influence of Media Representations on Mental Health Practitioners – completed 2015

14. Diagnosing Acute Heart Failure in the Emergency Medicine Department* – completed 2014

15. The Development of the Libyan Health System to improve the Quality of the Health Services – completed 2014

16. A scale for Assessing the Vulnerability to Psychotic Illness Among Cannabis Users: Correlates and Discriminating Factors* – completed 2014

17. Medical Rehabilitation: The Effects of Aquatic Physiotherapy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis – completed 2013

18. What role do Psychosocial Factors Play in Influencing HIV Positive Peoples’ Compliance with Medical Treatment?* – completed 2013

19. Development and Validation of a Novel Scale for Anxiety Symptoms in Patients with COPD – completed 2013

Current PhD Students
1. An assessment of quality of life and preferences for treatment in patients with OAB (PhD by Publication)*

2. The Potential Application of Cost Consequence Analysis to Increase Accessibility of Health Economic Evidence to Healthcare Decision Makers*

3. The patient voice in the context of the Service Profit Chain*

4. A Qualitative Analysis to Explore Factors Influencing Patient Adherence and Persistence with Prescribed OAB Medication in UK Primary Care

I am interested in supervising doctoral research students in the following areas: Rea-World Evidence; Big Data; Economic Evaluations; Economics Burden of Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders; Economic Evaluation of Physiotherapy Interventions; and Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders. 

* Denotes Director of Studies

If you are interesting in studying any of these subject areas, please contact me on the contact details above.

Research outputs

Research expertise

My research interests are in Real-World Evidence (RWE), Big Data, Economic Evaluations and Outcomes Research, and Muculoskeletal Disorders. My research studies have been published widely in scientific journals and presented at both national and international conferences. I have a particular interest in economic consequences of neuromusculoskeletal disorders and economic evaluation of physiotherapy interventions.

  • Chapters in books

    Fatoye, F.A., van der Linden, M. (2012) 'Knee Joint Kinematics in Healthy Children and Children With Hypermobility Syndrome.' The Knee: Current Concepts in Kinematics, Injury Types, and Treatment Options. Nova Science Publishers,

    Fatoye, F.A., Plamer, S. (2010) 'Assessment of muscle strength in children.' Muscle Strength: Types, Efficiency and Drug Effects. Nova Science Publisher,

  • Media

  • Journal articles

    Atobatele, K.O., Olaleye, O.A., Fatoye, F., Hamzat, T.K. 'The Relationships between Clinical Attributes, Psychological Characteristics and Community Integration in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury in a Nigerian City.' Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation,

    Gebrye, T., Mbada, C., Hakimi, Z., Fatoye, F. (2024) 'Development of quality assessment tool for systematic reviews and meta-analyses of real-world studies: a Delphi consensus survey.' Rheumatology International: clinical and experimental investigations,

    Ryan, C.G., Karran, E.L., Wallwork, S.B., Pate, J.W., O'Keeffe, M., Fullen, B.M., Livadas, N., Jones, N., Toumbourou, J.W., Gilchrist, P., Cameron, P.A., Fatoye, F., Ravindran, D., Lorimer Moseley, G. (2024) 'We Are All in This Together—Whole of Community Pain Science Education Campaigns to Promote Better Management of Persistent Pain.' Journal of Pain, 25(4) pp. 902-917.

    Fatoye, F., Esther, A.O., Gebrye, T., Oyewole, O.O., Fatoye, C., Fasuyi, F., Mbada, C.E. (2024) 'Missed physiotherapy appointment and its influence on cost, efficiency and patients’ outcomes.' Annali di igiene: medicina preventiva e di comunita, 36(1) pp. 3-14.

    Fatoye, F., Afolabi Olubukola, E., Gebrye, T., Oyewole, O.O., Fatoye, C., Fasuyi, F., Mbada, C.E. (2024) 'Missed physiotherapy appointment and its influence on cost, efficiency and patients' outcomes.' Annali di igiene: medicina preventiva e di comunita, 36(1) pp. 3-14.

    Mbada, C.E., Sogbesan, O.O., Ademoyegun, A.B., Awotipe, A.A., Sonuga, O.A., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Feasibility and validity of a mobile application goniometer for assessing knee joint range of motion.' Annals of Allied Health Sciences, 9(2) pp. 57-61.

    Adedoyin, R.A., Makinde, J.O., Ademoyegun, A.B., Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E. (2023) 'Development and feasibility testing of a remote support application for adherence to home exercise programs: a randomized pilot study.' Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine, 8

    Mbada, C.E., Afolabi, A.D., Akinkuoye, A., Afolabi, T.O., Ademoyegun, A.B., Niyi-Odumosu, F., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Reference values for 3-meter backward walk test among apparently healthy adults.' Medical Principles and Practice, 32(6) pp. 351-357.

    Jess, M.A., Ryan, C., Wellburn, S., Atkinson, G., Greenough, C., Peat, G., Coxon, A., Roper, H., Fatoye, F., Ferguson, D., Dickson, A., Ridley, H., Martin, D. (2023) 'Does pain duration and other variables measured at baseline predict re-referral of low back pain patients managed on an evidence-based pathway? A cohort study.' Physiotherapy (United Kingdom), 121pp. 5-12.

    Mbada, C., Ozaveshe, A., Ademoyegun, A., Niyi-Odumosu, F., Akande, M., Gebrye, T., Faronbi, J., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Relationship between 3-meter backward walk test and grip strength test in community-dwelling older adults.' Advances in Rehabilitation, 37(3) pp. 52-59.

    Gebrye, T., Niyi-Odumosu, F., Lawoe, J., Mbada, C., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'The impact of COVID-19 related lockdown restrictions on musculoskeletal health: a systematic review.' Rheumatology International, 43(11) pp. 2011-2019.

    Mbada, C.E., Jeje, O.O., Akande, M., Mbada, K.A., Fatoye, C., Olakorede, D., Awoniyi, O., Okafor, U.A.C., Falade, O., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Social presence and dynamics of group communication: an analysis of a health professionals WhatsApp group chats.' PLoS One, 18(7) pp. e0288773-e0288773.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Mbada, C., Useh, U. (2023) 'Economic evaluations of digital health interventions for the management of musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25(1) pp. e41113-e41113.

    Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F., Mbada, C., Hakimi, Z. (2023) 'A scoping review on quality assessment tools used in systematic reviews and meta-analysis of real world studies.' Rheumatology International,

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Cormac, R., Useh, U., Mbada, C. (2023) 'Global and regional estimates of clinical and economic burden of low back pain in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' Frontiers in Public Health, 11pp. 1098100-1098100.

    Mbada, C.E., Abata, E.O., Ojapinwa, O.A., Oghumu, S.N., Ademogoyegun, A., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Comparing Microsoft Kinect and Observational Gait Analysis in Assessing Gait Parameters of Apparently Healthy Adults.' Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 21(2) pp. 347-354.

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C., Akano, O.T., Oyewole, O.O., Odole, A.C., Fatoye, C., Egwu, M.O., Kolade, A.A. (2023) 'Real-world effectiveness and costs of vertical oscillatory pressure manipulation for low back pain.' Physiotherapy Quarterly, 31(2) pp. 71-78.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Mbada, C., Useh, U. (2023) 'Clinical and economic burden of low back pain in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review.' BMJ Open, 13(4) pp. e064119-e064119.

    Jeans, E., Talwalkar, S., Gebrye, T., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F., Hayton, M. (2023) 'Elective ambulatory unit: experience of local anesthetic only surgery during the pandemic.' Hand,

    Kragh, N., Tytula, A., Pochopien, M., Aballéa, S., Toumi, M., Hakimi, Z., Nazir, J., Bystrická, L., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Cost‐effectiveness of recombinant factor VIII Fc versus emicizumab for prophylaxis in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A without inhibitors in the UK.' European Journal of Haematology, 110(3) pp. 262-270.

    Hassan, H.I., Kaka, B., Sharaye, K.O., Abdulaziz, U., Sada, A., Fatoye, F., Ibrahim, A.A. (2023) 'Musculoskeletal disorders and their associated factors among individuals with diabetes mellitus in northwest Nigeria.' Reumatologia, 61(6) pp. 439-447.

    Sulaiman, S.K., Kaka, B., Bello, B., Mohammed, A.H., Salihu, D., Bello, U.M., Chutiyami, M., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Interventional Programs for Community Reintegration after Spinal Cord Injury: A Scoping Review.' Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 35(3) pp. 19-42.

    Mancuso, M.E., Castaman, G., Pochopien, M., Aballéa, S., Drzewiecka, A., Hakimi, Z., Nazir, J., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Cost-minimization analysis of recombinant factor VIII Fc versus emicizumab for treating patients with hemophilia A without inhibitors in Europe.' Journal of Medical Economics, 25(1) pp. 1068-1075.

    Idowu, O.A., Fawole, H.O., Akinrolie, O., Oke, K.I., Mbada, C.E., Abaraogu, U.O., Okafor, U.A.C., Adeniyi, A.F., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Physical activity during covid-19 lockdown: Relationship with sedentary behaviour, health-related quality of life, loneliness, and sleep quality among a sample of Nigerian adults.' African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES), 28(4) pp. 318-337.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Mbada, C.E., Fatoye, C.T., Makinde, M.O., Ayomide, S., Blessing, I. (2022) 'Cost effectiveness of virtual reality game compared to clinic based McKenzie extension therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain.' British Journal of Pain, 16(6) pp. 601-609.

    Gebrye, T., Okoye, E.C., Akosile, C.O., Onwuakagba, I.U., Uwakwe, U., Igweze, C.C., Chukwuma, V.C., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Adaptation and validation of the Nigerian (IGBO) version of the WHOQOL-OLD module.' Research on Social Work Practice,

    Mbada, C.E., Abegunrin, A.F., Egwu, M.O., Fatoye, C.T., Moda, H., Falade, O., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Prevalence, pattern and risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Nigerian plumbers.' PLoS One, 17(10) pp. e0273956-e0273956.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C.T., Mbada, C.E. (2022) 'A systematic review of economic models for cost effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions following total knee and hip replacement.' Physiotherapy, 116pp. 90-96.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Mbada, C. (2022) 'Global and regional prevalence and incidence of systemic lupus erythematosus in low and-middle income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' Rheumatology International, 42(12) pp. 2097-2107.

    Selfe, J., Mbada, C., Kaka, B., Odole, A., Ashbrook, J., Yusuf, M., Dobbin, N., Lee, D., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Red flags for spinal pain in patients diagnosed with spinal infection in Nigeria: A 10-year medical records review.' Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 60pp. 102571-102571.

    Oyewole, O.O., Adebayo, A.C., Awotidebe, T.O., Mbada, C.E., Fatoye, C., Ige, B.S., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Willingness-to-pay for physiotherapy services and its determinant among Nigerian stroke survivors.' Physical Therapy Reviews, 27(5) pp. 376-383.

    Fatoye, F., Akinfala, A.E., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Ojelade, T.F., Oyewole, O.O., Chidozie, E.M. (2022) 'Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of Yoruba Version of the EQ-5D Questionnaire in patients with musculoskeletal disorders.' Frontiers in Public Health, 10

    Adedoyin, A.R., Mbada, C.E., Ajayi, O.K., Idowu, O.A., Oghumu, S.N., Oke, K.I., Moda, H.M., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Prevalence and pattern of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Nigerian bricklayers.' Work, 72(2) pp. 627-635.

    Maillane-Vanegas, S., Fatoye, F., Luiz-De-marco, R., Codogno, J.S., Silva, D.A.S., Pastre, C.M., Fernandes, R.A. (2022) 'Low Occurrence of Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Swimming? Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Sports Participation in Adolescents: Cross Sectional Study (ABCD—Growth Study).' International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6)

    Pasi, J., Hermans, C., Hakimi, Z., Nazir, J., Aballéa, S., Ezzalfani, M., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Improvement in pain-related quality of life in patients with hemophilia A treated with rFVIIIFc individualized prophylaxis: post hoc analysis from the A-LONG study.' Therapeutic Advances in Hematology, 13

    Mbada, C.E., Johnson, O.E., Oyewole, O.O., Adejube, O.J., Fatoye, C., Idowu, O.A., Odeyemi, R.V., Akinirinbola, K.B., Ganiyu, D., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Yoruba version of the Health Literacy Questionnaire.' Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 34(1) pp. 54-69.

    Mbada, C.E., Oladapo, S.O., Igwe, C.F., Oyewole, O.O., Fatoye, C., Ogundele, A.O., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Therapeutic itinerary of patients with chronic low-back pain attending outpatient physiotherapy clinic.' Rev Rene, 23pp. e71393-e71393.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Arije, O., Fatoye, C.T., Onigbinde, O., Mbada, C.E. (2021) 'Economic Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Households.' Pan African Medical Journal, 40

    Ali, M., Landeira, M., Covernton, P.J.O., Choudhury, N., Jaggi, A., Fatoye, F., van Maanen, R. (2021) 'The use of mono- and combination drug therapy in men and women with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in the UK: a retrospective observational study.' BMC Urology, 21(1)

    Yeowell, G., Burns, D.S., Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Wright, A.K., Mwacalimba, K.K., Odeyemi, I. (2021) 'Indicators of Health-Related Quality of Life in Cats With Degenerative Joint Disease: Systematic Review and Proposal of a Conceptual Framework.' Frontiers Veterinary Science, 8pp. 582148-582148.

    Fatoye, C.T., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'The Effectiveness of Personalisation on Health Outcomes of Older People: Systematic Review.' Research on Social Work Practice, 32(2) pp. 146-154.

    Yeowell, G., Burns, D.S., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'The burden of pharmacological treatment on health-related quality of life in people with a urea cycle disorder: a qualitative study.' Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 5(1)

    Jaggi, A., Nazir, J., Fatoye, F., Quelen, C., Tu, X., Ali, M., Siddiqui, E., Covernton, P.J.O., Landeira, M., Choudhury, N. (2021) 'Anticholinergic Burden and Associated Healthcare Resource Utilization in Older Adults with Overactive Bladder.' Drugs and Aging, 38(10) pp. 911-920.

    Mbada, C.E., Isatayo, T.S., Omole, J.O., Odole, A.C., Ayanniyi, O., Dada, O.O., Gambo, I.P., Fatoye, C.T., Ademoyegun, A., Sonuga, O.A., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Development and feasibility testing of an animated cartoon-based self-care application for low-back pain – a pilot study.' Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 25(2) pp. 15-22.

    Vaegter, H.B., Johansen, J.V., Sopina, L., Smith, A., Kent, P., Fuglsang, K.S., Pedersen, J.F., Schutze, R., O'sullivan, P., Handberg, G., Fatoye, F., Ussing, K., Stegemejer, I., Thorlund, J.B. (2021) 'A cognitive functional therapy+ pathway versus an interdisciplinary pain management pathway for patients with severe chronic low back pain (confetti trial): Protocol for a pragmatic randomized controlled trial.' Physical Therapy, 101(9)

    Mbada, C.E., Adeulure, T.G., Idowu, O.A., Oyewole, O.O., Odole, A.C., Afolabi, T.O., Afolabi, A.D., Johnson, O.E., Akindele-Agbeja, O.B., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Yoruba version of the STarT Back tool among persons with longterm non-specific low-back pain.' Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 33(5) pp. 443-455.

    Mbada, C.E., Onilude, A.T., Oyewole, O.O., Olorunmoteni, O.E., Fatoye, C., Ogundele, A.O., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Qualitative exploration into therapeutic itinerary of children with physical disabilities in Nigeria using thematic content analysis (Exploração qualitativa do itinerário terapêutico de crianças com deficiência física na Nigéria usando análise de conteúdo temática).' Escola Anna Nery, 25(4) pp. e20200361-e20200361.

    Wellburn, S., Ryan, C.G., Coxon, A., Dickson, A.J., Dickson, D.J., Fatoye, F., Ferguson, D., Green, P.W., Greenhough, C., Hamilton, S., Jess, M.A., Jones, A., Peat, G., Martin, D.J. (2021) 'Long-term improvements following a residential combined physical and psychological programme for chronic low back pain.' BMJ Open Quality, 10(2)

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Svenson, L.W. (2021) 'Direct health system costs for systemic lupus erythematosus patients in Alberta, Canada.' PLOS ONE, 16(5)

    Mbada, C.E., Awokoya, A.S., Oyewole, O.O., Idowu, O.A., Akinsulore, A., Fatoye, C., Oke, K.I., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of Yoruba version of the short-form 12 health survey.' Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita, 33(3) pp. 254-267.

    Nherera, L.M., Saunders, C., Verma, S., Trueman, P., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Single-use negative pressure wound therapy reduces costs in closed surgical incisions: UK and US economic evaluation.' Journal of Wound Care, 30pp. S23-S31.

    Mbada, C.E., Ogunleye, O.M., Ogundele, A.O., Oyewole, O.O., Ademoyegun, A.B., Obembe, A.O., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Therapeutic itinerary of stroke survivors in a Nigerian tertiary hospital.' Rev Rene, 22pp. e60840-e60840.

    Adesola Ojo, O., Mbada, C.E., Oladele, T., Haruna, M., Idowu, O.A., Sonuga, A., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Prevalence, Risk Factors and Health Care Service Utilization for Low-Back Pain among Nigerian Automobile Technicians.' Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Treatment, 7(1)

    Mbada, C.E., Baderinwa, T.A., Sanuade, C.T., Ademoyegun Adekola, B., Fatoye, C., Maikudi, L., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Awareness, attitude and expectations of physiotherapy students on telerehabilitation.' Medical Science Educator, 31(2) pp. 627-636.

    Fatoye, F., Yeowell, G., Wright, J., Gebrye, T. (2021) 'Clinical and cost‑effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions following total knee replacement: a systematic review and meta‑analysis.' Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 141(10) pp. 1761-1778.

    Moda, H.M., Nwadike, C., Danjin, M., Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E., Smail, L., Doka, P.J.S. (2021) 'Quality of Work Life (QoWL) and Perceived Workplace Commitment among Seasonal Farmers in Nigeria.' Agriculture, 11(2) pp. 103-103.

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E., Oladayo, T.O., Idowu, O.A., Oyewole, O.O., Fatoye, C., Oke, K.I. (2020) 'Validation of the Yoruba Version of the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire in patients with chronic low back pain.' Spine, 46(9) pp. E528-E533.

    Jess, M.A., Ryan, C., Hamilton, S., Atkinson, G., Greenough, C., Peat, G., Coxon, A., Fatoye, F., Ferguson, D., Dickson, A., Ridley, H., Martin, D. (2020) 'Does duration of pain at baseline influence longer-term clinical outcomes of low back pain patients managed on an evidence-based pathway?.' Spine, 46(3) pp. 191-197.

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C., Oluwatobi, S., Odole, A., Oyewole, O., Ogundele, A., Ibiyemi, O. (2020) 'Pattern and determinants of willingness-to-pay for physiotherapy services.' European Journal of Physiotherapy, 22(4) pp. 221-227.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Mbada, C.E., Olaoye, M.I., Odole, A.C., Dada, O.O. (2020) 'The Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of Telerehabilitation for People With Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial.' JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(6)

    Fatoye, F., Wright, J.M., Yeowell, G., Gebrye, T. (2020) 'Clinical and cost effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions following total hip replacement: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' Rheumatology International, 40(9) pp. 1385-1398.

    Fatoye, F., Wright, J.M., Gebrye, T. (2020) 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of physiotherapy interventions for low-back pain: a systematic review.' Physiotherapy, 108pp. 98-107.

    Ibrahim, A.A., Akindele, M.O., Ganiyu, S.O., Kaka, B., Abdullahi, B.B., Sulaiman, S.K., Fatoye, F. (2020) 'The Hausa 12-item short-form health survey (SF-12): Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation in mixed urban and rural Nigerian populations with chronic low back pain.' PLoS ONE, 15(5)

    Mbada, C.E., Ogunseun, I.P., Fasuyi, F.O., Adegbemigun, O.D., Fatoye, C.T., Idowu, O.A., Johnson, O.E., Odole, A.C., Okonji, A.M., Kaka, B., Fatoye, F. (2020) 'Prevalence and correlates of bullying in physiotherapy education in Nigeria.' BMC Medical Education, 20(1) pp. 112-112.

    Mbada, C.E., Adeniyi, O.A., Idowu, O.A., Fatoye, C.T., Odole, A.C., Fatoye, F. (2020) 'Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Yoruba version of the Back Beliefs Questionnaire among patients with chronic low-back pain.' Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 18(1) pp. 74-74.

    Mbada, C.E., Oguntoyinbo, O.E., Fasuyi, F.O., Idowu, O.A., Odole, A.C., Ayanniyi, O., Johnson, O.E., Orimolade, E.A., Oladiran, A.B., Fatoye, F. (2020) 'Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Yoruba version of Oswestry disability index..' PloS one, 15(1) pp. e0221138-e0221138.

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I. (2020) 'Patients' involvement in the development of pharmaceutical products at pre-launch: Problems experienced and how to resolve them.' Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8(1) pp. 1-13.

    Mbada, C.E., Ojoawo, A.O., Owoola, S.O., Okonji, A.M., Odetunde, M.O., Adigwe, K.C., Makinde, M.O., Adegbemigun, O.D., Fasuyi, F.O., Idowu, O.A., Fatoye, F. (2020) 'Knowledge and attitude about the practice of traditional bone setters and its use for musculoskeletal disorders in rural areas in Nigeria.' Middle East Journal of Rehabilitation and Health Studies, 7(2) pp. 1-7.

    Kavyani, M., Nasiri, E., Karimi, M.T., Fatoye, F. (2020) 'The effect of spinal bracing on stability in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.' Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 33(1) pp. 139-143.

    Yusuf, M., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'Burden of musculoskeletal-related disorders resulting from non-fatal road traffic collisions in Africa: a protocol of a systematic review.' BMJ Open, 9(10)

    Ali, M., Grogan, S., Powell, S., Staniford, L., Nazir, J., Landeira, M., Covernton, P.J.O., Jaggi, A., Fatoye, F., Holt, M. (2019) 'Qualitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Patient Persistence and Adherence to Prescribed Overactive Bladder Medication in UK Primary Care.' Advances in Therapy, 36(11) pp. 3110-3122.

    Karimi, M.T., Tahmasebi, R.B., Satvati, B., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'Influence of foot insole on the gait performance in subjects with flat foot disorder.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 19(6)

    Mbada, C.E., Mamud, S.O., Odole, A.C., Omole, J.O., Oyewole, O.O., Ogundele, A.O., Fatoye, F.A. (2019) 'Development and clinimetric testing of willingness to pay tool for physiotherapy.' Physical Therapy Reviews, 24(3-4) pp. 134-142.

    Jaggi, A., Nazir, J., Fatoye, F., Siddiqui, E., Choudhury, N., Argoubi, R., Ali, M., de Ridder, D., Drake, M.J. (2019) 'Drug utilization patterns and healthcare resource use and costs in patients with neurogenic bladder in the United Kingdom: A retrospective primary care database study.' Neurourology and Urodynamics, 38(5) pp. 1278-1289.

    Fatoye, F., Smith, P., Gebrye, T., Yeowell, G. (2019) 'Real-world Persistence and Adherence with Oral Bisphosphonates for Osteoporosis - A Systematic Review.' BMJ Open, 9

    Baker, E., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'Patient perceived impact of nurse-led self-management interventions for COPD: A systematic review of qualitative research.' International Journal of Nursing Studies, 91pp. 22-34.

    Mbada, C., Olawuyi, A., Oyewole, O.O., Odole, A.C., Ogundele, A.O., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'Characteristics and determinants of community physiotherapy utilization and supply..' BMC Health Serv Res, 19(1)

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Odeyemi, I. (2019) 'Real-world incidence and prevalence of low back pain using routinely collected data.' Rheumatology International, 39(4) pp. 619-626.

    Fatoye, C.T., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'The experiences of African asylum seekers and refugees in Manchester, United Kingdom.' Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 7(3) pp. 1-11.

    Jaggi, A., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'Sub-optimal diagnosis of neurogenic bladder among general practitioners in the United Kingdom—evidence from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.' AME Medical Journal, 4

    Yeowell, G., Smith, P., Nazir, J., Hakimi, Z., Siddiqui, E., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'Adherence and persistence to oral medication in patients with overactive bladder (OAB) in a real-world setting – a systematic literature review..' BMJ Open, 8(11)

    Jaggi, A., Siddiqui, E., Drake, M.J., Nazir, J., Giagos, V., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'A critical appraisal of the principle guidelines for neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction using the AGREE II Instrument.' Neurourology and Urodynamics,

    Nherera, L.M., Trueman, P., Schmoeckel, M., Fatoye, F.A. (2018) 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of single use negative pressure wound therapy dressings (sNPWT) compared to standard of care in reducing surgical site complications (SSC) in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery..' J Cardiothorac Surg, 13(1)

    Kaka, B., Maharaj, S.S., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in patients with diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis..' Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation,

    Nazir, J., Hakimi, Z., Guelfucci, F., Khemiri, A., Fatoye, F., Blázquez, A.M.M., González, M.H. (2018) 'A retrospective study of treatment persistence and adherence to mirabegron versus antimuscarinics, for the treatment of overactive bladder in Spain..' BMC Urology, 18(1)

    Atobatele, K.O., Olaleye, O.A., Fatoye, F.A., Hamzat, T.K. (2018) 'Relationships between community reintegration and clinical and psychosocial attributes in individuals with spinal cord injury in a Nigerian city.' Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 24(4) pp. 306-314.

    Jess, M.A., Ryan, C., Hamilton, S., Wellburn, S., Atkinson, G., Greenough, C., Coxon, A., Ferguson, D., Fatoye, F., Dickson, J., Jones, A., Martin, D. (2018) 'Does Duration of Pain at Baseline Influence Clinical Outcomes of Low Back Pain Patients Managed on an Evidence-based Pathway?.' Spine, 43(17) pp. E998-E1004.

    Nadi, A., Karimi, M.T., Fatoye, F., Jafari, A. (2018) 'THE EFFECTS OF SCOLIOSIS ON SPINAL MUSCLES LENGTH AND JOINT CONTACT FORCES.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 18(6)

    Jaggi, A., Drake, M., Siddiqui, E., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'A comparison of the treatment recommendations for neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in the national institute for health and care excellence, European Association of Urology and international consultations on incontinence guidelines.' Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(7) pp. 2273-2280.

    Nherera, L.M., Trueman, P., Horner, A., Johnstone, A.J., Watson, T.J., Fatoye, F.A. (2018) 'Comparing the costs and outcomes of an integrated twin compression screw (ITCS) nail with standard of care using a single lag screw or a single helical blade cephalomedullary nail in patients with intertrochanteric hip fractures.' Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 13(1)

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Sevenson, L. (2018) 'Real-world incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus in Alberta, Canada.' Rheumatology International, 38(9) pp. 1721-1726.

    Russell, D., Atkin, L., Betts, A., Dowsett, C., Fatoye, F., Gardner, S., Green, J., Manu, C., McKenzie, T., Meally, H., Mitchell, L., Mullings, J., Odeyemi, I., Sharpe, A., Yeowell, G., Devlin, N. (2018) 'Using a modified Delphi methodology to gain consensus on the use of dressings in chronic wounds management.' Journal of Wound Care, 27(3) pp. 156-165.

    Jaggi, A., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'Real world treatment patterns in the neurogenic bladder population: a systematic literature review..' Translational andrology and urology, 6(6) pp. 1175-1183.

    Smith, J., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'Clinical and economic evaluation of a Case Management Service for patients with back pain.' Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 23(6) pp. 1355-1360.


    Arden, K., Fatoye, F., Yeowell, G. (2017) 'Evaluation of a rolling rehabilitation programme for patients with non-specific low back pain in primary care: an observational cohort study.' Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 23(2) pp. 272-278.

    Hakimi, Z., Nazir, J., McCrea, C., Berling, M., Fatoye, F., Ramos, B., Wagg, A. (2017) 'Clinical and economic impact of mirabegron compared with antimuscarinics for the treatment of overactive bladder in Canada..' Journal of medical economics, pp. 1-9.

    Ibekwe, E., Haigh, C., Duncan, F., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'Economic impact of Routine Opt-out Antenatal HIV Screening: A Systematic Review..' Journal of clinical nursing,

    Baker, E., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'Clinical and cost effectiveness of nurse-led self-management interventions for patients with copd in primary care: A systematic review.' International Journal of Nursing Studies,

    Chapple, C.R., Nazir, J., Hakimi, Z., Bowditch, S., Fatoye, F., Guelfucci, F., Khemiri, A., Siddiqui, E., Wagg, A. (2017) 'Persistence and Adherence with Mirabegron versus Antimuscarinic Agents in Patients with Overactive Bladder: A Retrospective Observational Study in UK Clinical Practice..' European urology,

    Shimwell, L., Fatoye, F., Selfe, J. (2017) 'The Validity of the Modified Star Excursion Balance Test as a Predictor of Knee Extensor and Hip Abductor Strength.' International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, 5(1) pp. 1863-1871.

    Nematollahi, M., Karimi, M.T., Rafiee, A., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'KINETIC and KINEMATIC PERFORMANCE of the UNAFFECTED LOWER LIMB during STEP DESCENT in SUBJECTS with ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT INJURY.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17(1)

    Hakimi, Z., Nazir, J., McCrea, C., Berling, M., Fatoye, F., Ramos, B., Wagg, A. (2017) 'Economic impact of mirabegron versus antimuscarinics for the treatment of overactive bladder in the UK.' Pharmacoeconomics Open, 1(1)

    Arden, K., Fatoye, F., Yeowell, G. (2016) 'Evaluation of a rolling rehabilitation programme for patients with non-specific low back pain.' Physiotherapy, 102

    Al-Mutayliq, A., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F. (2016) 'The impact of rehabilitation on parents and caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review.' Physiotherapy, 102

    Ibekwe, E., Haigh, C., Duncan, F., Fatoye, F. (2016) 'Clinical outcomes of Routine Opt-out Antenatal HIV Screening: A Systematic Review..' Journal of clinical nursing,

    Sadeghisani, M., Shaterzadeh, M.J., Karimi, M.T., Fatoye, F., Akbari, M., Dehghan, M., Kabir, M.M. (2016) 'Kinematic differences in lumbopelvic and hip movement patterns during a lower limb movement test between two groups of people with low back pain.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 16(4)

    Fatoye, F.A., Haigh, C. (2016) 'The cost-effectiveness of taping and semi-rigid ankle brace to facilitate return to work following first-time acute ankle sprains.' Journal of Clinical Nursing,

    Marvi-Esfahani, M., Karimi, M.T., Etemadifar, M., Fatoye, F. (2016) 'Comparison of energy consumption in different clinical forms multiple sclerosis with normal subjects (cohort study).' Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 6pp. 97-101.

    Karimi, M.T., Kavyani, M., Fatoye, F., Damneh, E.S., Etemadifar, M.R. (2016) 'The influence of trunk bracing on time, spatial parameters, symmetry of ground reaction force and loading rate in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 16(2)

    Alshewaier, S., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F. (2016) 'The effectiveness of pre-operative exercise physiotherapy rehabilitation on the outcomes of treatment following anterior cruciate ligament injury: a systematic review.' Clinical Rehabilitation, 31(1) pp. 34-44.

    Karimi, M.T., Kamali, M., Fatoye, F. (2016) 'Evaluation of the efficiency of cervical orthoses on cervical fracture: A review of literature.' Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 17(1) pp. 13-19.

    Karimi, M.T., Fatoye, F. (2016) 'Evaluation of the performance of paraplegic subjects during walking with a new design of reciprocal gait orthosis.' Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 11(1) pp. 72-79.

    Langridge, P.J., Fatoye, F.A. (2016) 'Incidence of bronchospasm associated with challenge of adult non-CF respiratory patients with 4ml nebulised hypertonic (7%) saline.' Journal of Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care, 48pp. 38-43.

    Khiri, F., Karimi, M.T., Fatoye, F., Jamshidi, N. (2015) 'An assessment of stability, gait performance and energy consumption in individuals with transfemoral amputation.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 15(4)

    Karimi, M.T., Saljoghian, P., Fatoye, F. (2015) 'The effectiveness of a newly designed orthosis on knee contact forces in subjects with knee osteoarthritis.' Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 17(3) pp. 259-263.

    Karimi, M., Sadeghi, E., Omar, A.H., Kouchaki, E., Mirahmadi, M., Fatoye, F. (2015) 'Stability analysis in patients with neurological and musculoskeletal disorders using linear and nonlinear approaches.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,

    Tahmasebi, R., Karimi, M.T., Satvati, B., Fatoye, F. (2015) 'Evaluation of Standing Stability in Individuals With Flatfeet.' Foot and Ankle Specialist, 8(3) pp. 168-174.

    Tahmasebi, R.B., Karimi, M.T., Satvati, B., Fatoye, F. (2015) 'Evaluation of standing stability in flat foot subjects.' Foot and Ankle Specialist,



    Zachraee, M.Z., Karimi, M.T., Mostmand, J., Fatoye, F. (2014) 'Analysis of asymmetry of forces applied on the lower limb in subjects with non-specific chronic low back pain.' BioMed Research International,

    Karimi, M.T., Mostamand, J., Fatoye, F. (2014) 'The use of motion analysis system and orthosis in patients with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 14(2)

    Fatoye, F., Omar, A.H., Fatoye, F. (2014) 'Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Which way forward.' NEUROREHABILITATION,

    Hamzat, T.K., Abdulkareem, T.A., Akinyinka, O.O., Fatoye, F.A. (2014) 'Backpack-related musculoskeletal symptoms among Nigerian secondary school students.' Rheumatology International, 34(9) pp. 1267-1273.

    Karimi, M., Fatoye, F., Mirbod, S.M., Omar, H., Nazem, K., Barzegar, M.R., Hosseini, A. (2013) 'Gait analysis of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed subjects with a combined tendon obtained from hamstring and peroneus longus.' Knee, 20(6) pp. 526-531.

    Fatoye, F. (2013) 'Editorial: Understanding of health economics among healthcare professionals.' Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(21-22) pp. 2979-2980.

    Esrafilian, A., Karimi, M.T., Amiri, P., Fatoye, F. (2013) 'Performance of subjects with knee osteoarthritis during walking: Differential parameters.' Rheumatology International, 33(7) pp. 1753-1761.

    Taheri, A.R., Karimi, M.T., Tahmasebi, R.B., Satvati, B., Fatoye, F. (2013) 'Developing a new parameter to represent the foot alignment in subjects with flat arch.' Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 13(3)

    Murphy, N.A., Fatoye, F., Wibberley, C. (2013) 'The changing face of newspaper representations of the mentally ill..' J Ment Health, 22(3) pp. 271-282.

    Karimi, M.T., Amiri, P., Esrafilian, A., Sedigh, J., Fatoye, F. (2013) 'Performance of spinal cord injury individuals while standing with the Mohammad Taghi Karimi reciprocal gait orthosis (MTK-RGO).' Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 36(1) pp. 35-42.

    Al-Qubaeissy, K.Y., Fatoye, F.A., Goodwin, P.C., Yohannes, A.M. (2013) 'The effectiveness of hydrotherapy in the management of rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review..' Musculoskeletal Care, 11(1) pp. 3-18.

    Al-Qubaeissy, K.Y., Fatoye, F.A., Goodwin, P.C., Yohannes, A.M. (2013) 'The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review.' Musculoskeletal Care, 11(1) pp. 3-18.

    Karimi, M.T., Esrafilian, A., Amiri, P., Sedigh, J., Fatoye, F. (2013) 'Evaluation of the performance of spinal cord injury individuals while standing with the Mohammad Taghi Karimi Reciprocal Gait Orthosis (MTK-RGO).' Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine,

    Willgoss, T.G., Goldbart, J., Fatoye, F., Yohannes, A.M. (2013) 'The development and validation of the anxiety inventory for respiratory disease.' Chest, 144(5) pp. 1587-1596.

    Willgoss, T.G., Yohannes, A.M., Goldbart, J., Fatoye, F. (2012) '"Everything was spiraling out of control": experiences of anxiety in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease..' Heart Lung, 41(6) pp. 562-571.

    Bartley, J., Fatoye, F. (2012) 'Good vibrations: improving clients’ health and fitness.' Learning Disability Practice, 15(9) pp. 25-28.

    Fatoye, F.A., Karimi, M.T., Sadigh, J. (2012) 'Evaluation of gait performance of a subject with Perthes disease while walking with and without Scottish rite orthosis.' Prosthetics and Orthotics International,

    Fatoye, F., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., van der Linden, M. (2012) 'Pain intensity and quality of life perception in children with hypermobility syndrome.' RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 32(5) pp. 1277-1284.

    Yohannes, A.M., Willgoss, T.G., Fatoye, F.A., Dip, M.D., Webb, K. (2012) 'Relationship between anxiety, depression, and quality of life in adult patients with cystic fibrosis..' Respir Care, 57(4) pp. 550-556.

    Willgoss, T., Yohannes, A., Goldbart, J., Fatoye, F. (2011) 'COPD and anxiety: its impact on patients' lives..' Nursing times, 107(15-16) pp. 16-19.

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., van der Linden, M.L., Rowe, P.J., Macmillan, F. (2011) 'Gait kinematics and passive knee joint range of motion in children with hypermobility syndrome..' Gait Posture, 33(3) pp. 447-451.

    Fatoye, F., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., van der Linden, M. (2009) 'Proprioception and muscle torque deficits in children with hypermobility syndrome.' Rheumatology, 48(2) pp. 152-157.

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2009) 'Joint proprioception and muscle torque deficits in children with hypermobility syndrome.' Rheumatology, 48: 152–57pp. 152-157.

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S.T., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P.J., van der Linden, M.L. (2008) 'Repeatability of joint proprioception and muscle torque assessment in healthy children and in children diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome..' Musculoskeletal Care, 6(2) pp. 108-123.

  • Conference papers

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Lawoe, J., Mbada1, C. (2024) 'Does COVID-19 related lockdown restrictions impact people with musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review.' In ISPOR 2024. the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 6/5/2024 - 8/3/2024.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Chidozie, M. (2024) 'Clinical and economic burden of obesity in low- and middle-income countries - A systematic review.' In ISPOR 2024. the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 6/5/2024 - 8/3/2024.

    Mbada, C., Ozaveshe, A., Niyi-Odumosu, F., Gebrye, T., Faronbi, J., Apeagyei, P., Lawoe, J., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'MSR122 Relationship Between 3-Meter Backward Walk Test and Grip Strength Test in Community-Dwelling Young-Older Adults.' 26. 11/11/2023 - 15/11/2023. Elsevier, pp. S416-S416.

    Fatoye, F., Oladejo, L., Afolabi, A., Oyewole, O., Afolabi, T., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Mbada, C. (2023) 'MSR37 Validation of the Ibadan Knee/Hip Osteoarthritis Outcome Measure (IKHOAM) Among Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis.' 23. 11/11/2023 - 15/11/2023. Elsevier, pp. S400-S400.

    Mbada, C., Afolabi, A., Ogundeji, I., Afolabi, T., Igwe, C., Omileye, A., Niyi-Odumosu, F., Gebrye, T., Faronbi, J., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'HSD85 Patterns and Correlates of Physical Activity Among Nigerian Community-Dwelling Older Adults.' 26. 11/11/2023 - 15/11/2023. Elsevier,

    Fatoye, F., Adekilekun, J., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Oyewole, O., Mbada, C. (2023) 'MSR103 Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Psychometric Testing of the Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Into Yoruba Language.' 26. 11/11/2023 - 15/11/2023. Elsevier, pp. S412-S413.

    Okonji, A.M., Lawal, H.O., Mbada, C.E., Odetunde, M.O., Apeagyei, P.A., Adedoyin, R.A., Lawoe, J., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Do Breast Size and Bra Fit matter to Musculoskeletal and Psycho-social Health of Women?.' In World Physiotherapy Congress 2023. Dubai, UAE, 2/6/2023 - 4/6/2023.

    Gebrye, T., Mbada, C., Fatoye, F., Cosmas, A. (2023) 'Effectiveness of telerehabilitation on quality of life in stroke survivors: a systematic review and meta analysis.' In World Physiotherapy Congress 2023. Dubai World Trade Centre, United Arab Emirates, 2/6/2023 - 4/6/2023.

    Gebrye, T., Jeans, E., Yeowell, G., Mbada, C., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'Prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis.' In World Physiotherapy Congress 2023. Dubai World Trade Centre, United Arab Emirates, 2/6/2023 - 4/6/2023.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Useh, U., Mbada, C. (2023) 'Clinical and economic burden of low back pain in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review.' In World Physiotherapy Congress 2023. Dubai, UAE, 2/6/2023 - 4/6/2023.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Cormac, R., Mbada, C. (2023) 'Global and regional estimates of clinical and economic burden of low-back pain in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' In World Physiotherapy Congress 2023. Dubai World Trade Centre, United Arab Emirates, 2/6/2023 - 4/6/2023.

    Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F., Apeagyei, P., Mbada, C. (2023) 'The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders among garment workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' In ISPOR 2023. Boston, Massachusetts, 7/5/2023 - 10/5/2023.

    Mbada, C., Akintunji, A.H., Sonuga, A.O., Gebrye, T., Woolf, R., Fatoye, F. (2023) 'EFFECT OF CLINIC- AND TELEREHABILITATION-BASED EXERCISE ON CLINICAL AND PSYCHOSOCIAL OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS.' In World Physiotherapy Congress 2023. 2/6/2023 - 4/6/2023.


    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Akosile, C.O., Okoye, E.C., Okoli, U.V. (2022) 'Estimating Health Utilities for Health States of Patients with Stroke Using the SF-6D.' In ISPOR Europe 2022. 25. Austria Center Vienna, 6/11/2022 - 9/11/2022. Elsevier, pp. S435-S435.

    Gebrye, T., Okoye, E.C., Okoli, U.V., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Estimating Health Utilities in Patients with Epilepsy Using the SF-6D.' In ISPOR Europe 2022. 25. Austria Center Vienna, 6/11/2022 - 9/11/2022. Elsevier, pp. S425-S425.

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C., Afolabi, S.T., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Adje, M., Karstens, S. (2022) 'Convergent and Known-Group Validity of the Start Musculoskeletal Tool Among Patients with Neck Pain.' In ISPOR 2022. 6/11/2022 - 9/11/2022.

    Gebrye, T., Okoye, C.H., Akosile, O., Onwuakagba, U., Uwakwe, R., Igweze, C.H., Chukwuma, V., Fatoye, F. (2022) 'Adaptation and validation of the Nigerian (IGBO) version of the WHOQOL-OLD module.' In ISPOR 2022. 25. The Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Washington, DC, 15/5/2022 - 18/5/2022. Elsevier, pp. S431-S431.

    Fatoye, F., Akinfala, A.E., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Ojelade, T.F., Oyewole, O.O., Mbada, C.E. (2022) 'Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of a Yoruba version of the EQ-5D Questionnaire in patients with musculoskeletal disorders.' In ISPOR 2022. 25. The Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Washington, DC,, 15/5/2022 - 18/5/2022. Elsevier, pp. S339-S339.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Mbada, C. (2022) 'Economic Evaluations of Digital Health Interventions for the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Systematic Review.' In Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021. 25. Online, 30/11/2021 - 3/12/2021. Elsevier, pp. S100-S100.

    Fatoye, F., Maikudi-Olofu, L., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Mbada, C. (2022) 'Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of a Clinic-Based and Two Digital Applications of Mckenzie Therapy for Chronic Low-Back Pain.' In Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021. 25. Online, 30/11/2021 - 3/12/2021. Elsevier, pp. S100-S100.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Mbada, C.E., Afolabi, O., Fasuyi, F. (2021) 'Evaluation of Missed Physiotherapy Appointment and Its Influence on Cost, Efficiency and Patient Outcomes.' In ISPOR Europe 2020 conference, Milan, Italy.. Milan, Italy, 14/11/2020 - 16/11/2020.

    Mbada, C., Fashote, E.O., Awotidebe, T.O., Olorunmoteni, O.E., Fatoye, C., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Development and Validation of a Caregiver Reported PAIN Scale for Preverbal and NON-Verbal Children with Cerebral Palsy.' In Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021. 30/11/2021 - 3/12/2021.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T. (2021) 'Global and regional prevalence and incidence of LUPUS in low and-middle income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' In Virtual ISPOR 2021. 24. Online, 17/5/2021 - 20/5/2021. Elsevier, pp. S230-S230.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Arije, O., Fatoye, C., Onigbinde, O., Mbada, C. (2021) 'Economic Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Households in Nigeria.' 24. 17/5/2021 - 20/5/2021. Elsevier, pp. S215-S216.

    Fatoye, F., Ojo, J., Gebrye, T., Idowu, O., Fatoye, C.T., Mbada, C.E. (2021) 'Association among disability risk, pain catastrophising, fear-avoidance beliefs and kinesiophobia among patients with chronic low back pain.' In World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online. Online/Virtual, 9/4/2021 - 11/4/2021.

    Mbada, C.E., Gambo, I.P., Adelusola, I., Babalola, A., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2021) 'Development and feasibility testing of clinical decision support tool to aid physiotherapists with diagnosis of low back pain.' In World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online. ePoster presentations, 9/4/2021 - 11/4/2021.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Mbada, C.E., Olaniyi, H., Oyeleye, O. (2020) 'Real World Prevalence, Pattern and Cost of Physiotherapy Treatment for Osteoarthritis in Nigeria.' In ISPOR Europe 2020. 23. Milan, Italy, 17/11/2020 - 20/11/2020. Elsevier,

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E., Gebrye, T., Tejumola, O.O., Fatoye, C., Odele, A.C., Oyewole, O.O., Ogundele, A.O., Akinwade, O.A. (2020) 'PIH6 Pattern and Determinants of Willingness to Pay for Antenatal and Postnatal Physiotherapy in Nigeria.' In ISPOR Europe 2020 conference, Milan, Italy.. Milan, Italy, 14/11/2020 - 16/11/2020.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Mbada, C.E., Fatoye, C., Ayanniyi, O., Odole, A.C., Makinde, M.O., Dada, O.O. (2020) 'COST EFFECTIVENESS OF VIRTUAL REALITY GAME VERSUS CLINIC BASED MCKENZIE EXTENSION THERAPY FOR CHRONIC NON SPECIFIC LOW BACK PAIN.' 16/5/2020 - 20/5/2020. Elsevier,

    Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C., Yusuf, M., Fatoye, F. (2020) 'The Economic Burden of Musculoskeletal Disorders Resulting from Road Trafic Accident in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review.' In ISPOR 2020. 23. Virtual, 16/5/2020 - 20/5/2020. Elsevier on behalf of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research,

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E., Gebrye, T., Adebayo, M.A., Fatoye, C.T., Odele, A.C., Oyewole, O.O., Ogundele, A.O., Okonji, A.M. (2020) 'Pattern and Determinants of Parental Willingness to Pay for Physiotherapy Services in Nigeria.' In EuHEA Conference 2020. Oslo, Norway,

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E., Awotidebe, T.O., Gebrye, T., Adebayo, A.C., Fatoye, C.T., Odole, A.C., Oyewole, O.O., Ogundele, A.O. (2020) 'Health Related Quality of Life, Treatment Satisfaction and Willingness to Pay for Physiotherapy Services Among Stroke Survivors.' In EuHEA Conference 2020. Oslo, Norway,

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E., Gebrye, T., Olowodasa, M., Fatoye, C.T., Odele, A.C., Oyewole, O.O., Oke, K.I., Idowu, O.A., Ogundele, A.O. (2020) 'Health Related Quality of Life, Patient Satisfaction and Willingness to Pay for Musculoskeletal Conditions.' In EuHEA Conference 2020. Oslo, Norway,

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, C.T. (2020) 'Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of Physiotherapy Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review.'


    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E., Gebrye, T., Ogunsola, A.O., Fatoye, C., Oyewole, O. (2020) 'Real-World Economic Burden of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Nigeria.' In ICHEP 2020 : 22th International Conference on Health Economics and Policy. Sydney, Australia, 27/2/2020 - 28/2/2020.

    Fatoye, F., Mbada, C.E., Gebrye, T., Ogunsola, A.O., Fatoye, C., Oyewole, O. (2020) 'Real-World Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Nigeria.' In ICHEP 2020 : 22th International Conference on Health Economics and Policy. Sydney, Australia, 27/2/2020 - 28/2/2020.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Lawrence, S. (2019) 'Direct Costs of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Alberta in Real World.' In ISPOR Europe 2019. 22. Copenhagen, Denmark, 2/11/2019 - 6/11/2019. Elsevier ISPOR,

    Mbada, C.E., Gebrye, T., Ogunsola, A.O., Odole, A.C., Fatoye, C., Oyewole, O.O., Ogundele, A.O., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'PMS59 REAL-WORLD EFFECTIVENESS OF PHYSIOTHERAPY INTERVENTIONS FOR MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS IN NIGERIA.' In ISPOR Europe 2019. Bella Center Copenhagen, Denmark, 2/11/2019 - 6/11/2019.

    Yeowell, G., Staniford, L., Powell, S., Fatoye, F., Kelly, B. (2019) 'A qualitative study exploring the provider and patient perspective of two rehabilitation programmes following knee replacement surgery.' In Physiotherapy UK. Birmingham, 1/11/2019 - 2/11/2019.

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I. (2019) 'Patients related issues arising from regulatory approval, pricing and launch plan of pharmaceutical products..' In ISPOR 24th Annual Congress, New Orleans, USA. New Orleans, USA, 18/5/2019 - 22/5/2019. Elsevier,

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I. (2019) 'The involvement of patients in the regulatory approval, pricing and launch plan of pharmaceutical products.' In ISPOR 24th Annual Congress. New Orleans, 18/5/2019 - 22/5/2019. Elsevier,

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I. (2019) 'Disability as defined by market access and health economics and outcomes research professionals: mixed methods.' In ISPOR 24th Annual Congress, New Orleans, USA. New Orleans, USA,

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I. (2019) 'How to resolve problems experienced with regulatory approval, pricing and launch plan of pharmaceutical products when patients are involved..' In ISPOR 24th Annual Congress, New Orleans, USA. New Orleans, USA, 18/5/2019 - 22/5/2019. Elsevier,

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, O. (2019) 'Educating public about disability and giving people with disability the same opportunity as people without disability: descriptive analysis.' In ISPOR 24th Annual Congress, New Orleans, USA. New Orleans, USA, 18/5/2019 - 22/5/2019. Elsevier,

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I. (2019) '“The medical and social models of disability.' In ISPOR 24th Annual Congress, New Orleans, USA. New Orleans, USA, 18/5/2019 - 22/5/2019. Elsevier,

    Adeniji, O.A., Ogbonnaya, L.O., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'Adherence, functional recovery and quality of life in stroke patients.' In World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Geneva, 10/5/2019 - 13/5/2019.

    Mbada, C.E., Akano, O.T., Kolade, A.A., Odole AC, A.C., Fatoye, C., Oyewole, O., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'Real world effectiveness and costs of spinal manipulation for low back pain.' In World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Genva, 10/5/2019 - 13/5/2019.

    Fatoye, C., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'The effectiveness of personalisation on health outcomes of older people: A systematic review.' In ISPOR 2019. 22. New Orleans, USA, 18/5/2019 - 22/5/2019. Elsevier on behalf of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research,

    Fatoye, F., Wright, J.M., Yeowell, G., Gebrye, T. (2019) 'Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Physiotherapy Interventions Following Hip Replacement- A Systematic Review.' In ISPOR conference 2019. 22. New Orleans, USA, 18/5/2019 - 22/5/2019. Elsevier on behalf of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, pp. S239-S239.

    Fatoye, F., Yeowell, G., Wright, J.M., Gebrye, T. (2019) 'Clinical and cost effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions following total knee replacement - A systematic review and meta-analysis.' In ISPOR 2019. 22. New Orleans, USA, 18/5/2019 - 22/5/2019.

    Baker, E., Fatoye, F. (2019) 'Patient perceived impact of nurse-led self-management interventions for COPD: a systematic review of qualitative research.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Mbada, C., Olaoye, I.M., Fatoye, C., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of telerehabilitation intervention for people with nonspecific chronic low back pain in Nigeria.' In WCPT Congress 2019. Geneva, Switzerland, 10/5/2019 - 13/5/2019.

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I.O. (2018) 'How to resolve issues experienced by patients in early phase development of pharmaceutical products.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 -

    Brojerdian, N., Dagnall, N., Fatoye, F., Goodwin, P. (2018) 'Can loss aversion be applied to health situations?.' In Physiotherapy UK Conference. 105. Birmingham, 19/10/2018 - 20/10/2018. Elsevier, pp. e68-e68.


    Jaggi, A., Siddiqui, E., Drake, M., Nazir, J., Giagos, V., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'A Critical Appraisal of the Principal Guidelines for Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Using the AGREE II Instrument.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Bamber, C., Yeowell, G., Gebrye, T., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'Real World Effectiveness of Community Pain Management Service on Patient Reported Outcomes for People with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Preliminary Findings.' In The WCPT Congress 2019. Geneva, Switzerland, 10/5/2019 - 13/5/2019.

    Fatoye, F., Gebrye, T., Svenson, L. (2018) 'PSY22 Real World Incidence and Prevalence of Systematic Lupus Erythematosus in Alberta, Canada.' Volume. 19/5/2018 - 23/5/2018. Elsevier,

    Betts, A., Odeyemi, I.O., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F., Tye, A. (2018) 'Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis of treating Leg Ulcers with UrgoStart.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress. Barcelona, Spain,

    Betts, A., Yeowell, G., Odeyemi, I.O., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'The budget impact and cost-consequence of treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers with UrgoStart.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress, Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Betts, A., Odeyemi, I.O., Ftaoye, G., Yeowell, G., Tye, A., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis of treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers with UrgoStart.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I.O. (2018) 'The perception of professionals of how people with disability are perceived by the public.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Betts, A., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I.O. (2018) 'The budget impact and cost-consequence of treating Leg Ulcers with UrgoStart.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Betts, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I., Yeowell, G. (2018) 'Using EQ-5D to measure quality of life in patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Venous Leg Ulcers.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress, Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I.O. (2018) 'Patients’ involvement in the development of target product profile, product development plan in the design of clinical trials.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress, Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I.O. (2018) 'Patients’ related issues arising from target product profile, product development plan in the design of clinical trials.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, I., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I.O. (2018) 'The perception of the public about disability and the medical and social model of disability: a literature review.' In ISPOR 21st European Congress, Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona, Spain, 10/11/2018 - 14/11/2018.

    Fatoye, C., Betts, A., Odeyemi, A., Fatoye, F., Odeyemi, I.O. (2018) 'The professionals’ perspective of patient involvement in Market Access: A descriptive analysis.' In ISPOR 23rd Annual Congress, Baltimore, USA. 21. Baltimore, USA, 19/5/2018 - 23/5/2018. Elsevier, pp. S95-S95.

    Jaggi, A., Drake, M., Siddiqui, E., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'A Comparison of the Treatment Recommendations for Neurogenic Bladder in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, European Association of Urology and International Consultations on Incontinence Guidelines.' In ISPOR 23rd Annual Congress. Baltimore, USA, 19/5/2018 - 23/5/2018.

    Betts, A., Odeyemi, I., Fatoye, F., Yeowell, G., Tadej, M., Lant, C. (2018) 'Real Life use of Dressings in the Treatment of Leg Ulcers and Diabetic Foot Ulcers.' In ISPOR. Baltimore, USA, 19/5/2018 - 23/5/2018.

    Fatoye, F., Betts, A., Gebrye, T., Odeyemi, I., Yeowell, G. (2018) 'A Systematic Review of Economic Outcomes Associated with use of Topical Interventions for Treatment of Chronic Wounds.' In ISPOR 2018. Baltimore, USA, 19/5/2018 - 23/5/2018.

    Yeowell, G., Betts, A., Odeyemi, I., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'A Systematic Review of Clinical Efficacy Associated with use of Protease-Modulating Interventions with Diabetic Foot Ulcer or Venous Leg Ulcer.' In ISPOR 2018. Baltimore, USA, 19/5/2018 - 23/5/2018.

    Betts, A., Yeowell, G., Odeyemi, I., Fatoye, F. (2018) 'Systematic review of patient perspectives and quality of life outcomes associated with use of topical interventions for treatment of chronic wounds.' 19/5/2018 - 23/5/2018.

    Betts, A., Odeyemi, I., Devlin, N., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'Addressing uncertainty in wound management using a modified Delphi methodology..' 20. Elsevier, pp. A794-A794.

    Ibekwe, E., Haigh, C., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'Comparing cost-effectiveness of strategies for antenatal HIV testing: VCT and routine testing in urban Nigeria.' In ISPOR 20th Annual Congress. Glasgow, UK, 4/11/2017 - 8/11/2017.

    Jaggi, A., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'Real World treatment patterns in the adult neurogenic bladder population: a systematic review.' In ISPOR 20th European Congress. Glasgow, UK, 4/11/2017 - 8/11/2017.

    Jess, M., Ryan, C., Martin, D., Hamilton, S., Wellburn, S., Greenough, C., Ferguson, D., Coxon, A., Fatoye, F., Dickson, J. (2017) 'Does the duration of pain influence clinical outcomes of low back pain patients managed on an evidence-based pathway.' 2/11/2017 - 3/11/2017.

    Alshewaier, S., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F., Slevin, M. (2017) 'Clinical and Cost Effectiveness of Pre-Operative Physiotherapy for Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia..' In World Confederation for Physical Therapists (WCPT) Congress 2017. Cape Town, South Africa, 2/7/2017 - 4/7/2017. WCPT,

    Hamshire, C., Cavan, G., Fatoye, F.A. (2017) 'An exploration of the benefits of an urban park for promoting health and well-being.' In WCPT 2017. Cape Town, 2/7/2017 - 5/7/2017.

    Hakimi, Z., Wagg, A., McCrea, C., Nazir, J., Berling, M., Fatoye, F., Ramos, B. (2017) 'Economic and clinical impact of mirabegron compared with antimuscarinics for the treatment of overactive bladder in Canada.' In Canadian Urological Association Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 24/6/2017 - 27/6/2017.

    Mbada, C., Adewuyi, A., Fatoye, F.A. (2017) 'Characteristics and determinants of demand and supply of community physiotherapy in Nigeria.' In World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Cape Town, South Africa, 2/7/2017 - 5/7/2017.

    Jaggi, A., Shi, X., Odeyemi, I.O., Fatoye, F. (2017) 'Does the use of pregabalin and gabapentin increase the risk of dementia, pneumonia and unintentional falls? a systematic literature review.' In ISPOR. Noston, USA, 20/5/2017 - 24/5/2017.

    Green, P., Ryan, C.G., Greenough, C., Coxon, A., Peat, G., Roper, H., Ferguson, D., Wellburn, S., Fatoye, F., Hamilton, S., Martin, D.J. (2017) 'The BACK To Health Programme: Preliminary findings from a Combined Physical and Psychological Programme (CPPP).' In British Association of Spine Surgeon. 17. Salford, UK, pp. S8-S8.

    Ryan, C.G., Greenough, C., Coxon, A., Pear, G., Roer, H., Geen, P., Ferguson, D., Wellburn, S., Fatoye, F., Hamilton, S., Martin, D.J. (2017) 'The North East Back Pain Pathway: Preliminary evaluation findings.' In British Association of Spine Surgeon. pp. S7-S7.

    Ibekwe, E., Haigh, C., Duncan, F., Fatoye, F.A. (2017) 'Economic impact of routine opt-out antenatal HIV screening: a systematic review.' In ISPOR 22nd Annual Congress. Boston, USA, 20/5/2017 - 24/5/2017.

    Mbada, C., Oluwatobi, S., Fatoye, F.A. (2017) 'Determinants of willingness-to-pay for physiotherapy services.' In World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Cape Town, South Africa, 2/7/2017 - 4/7/2017.

    Arden, K., Fatoye, F., Yeowell, G. (2016) 'Evaluation of a rolling rehabilitation programme for patients with non-specific low back pain.' In ER-WCPT. Liverpool, 11/11/2016 - 12/11/2016.

    Al-Mutayliq, A., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F. (2016) 'The impact of rehabilitation on parents and caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review.' In 4th European Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Liverpool, United Kingdom, 11/11/2016 - 12/11/2016.

    Smith, J., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F. (2016) 'Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a physiotherapy led case management service for back pain.' In The 4th European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT). 102. Liverpool, UK, 11/11/2016 - 12/11/2016. Elsevier, pp. e133-e134.

    Wagg, A., McCrea, C., Fatoye, F.A., Berling, M., Ramos, B., Zalmai, H., Nazir, J. (2016) 'Economic and clinical impact of mirabegron compared with antimuscarinics for the treatment of overactive bladder in Canada.' In International Continence Society. Tokyo, 13/9/2016 - 16/9/2016.

    Bamber, C., Fatoye, F.A. (2016) 'The Effectiveness of a 60 hour versus 36 hour Outpatient Pain Management Programme – A Pilot Study.' In European Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy.. Liverpool, 11/11/2016 - 12/11/2016.

    Goodwin, P.C., Qubaeissy, K.A., Gregory, W., Fatoye, F., Yohannes, A.M. (2015) 'The effectiveness of aquatic physiotherapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised controlled trial.' 101. Elsevier BV, pp. e464-e465.

    Goodwin, P.C., Qubaeissy, K.A., Yohannes, A.M., Fatoye, F. (2015) 'The cost-effectiveness of aquatic physiotherapy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.' 101. Elsevier BV, pp. e465-e465.

    Alshewaier, S., Yeowell, G.M., Fatoye, F. (2015) 'Pre-operative Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Programmes Improve the Outcomes of Treatment Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Systematic Review..' In WCPT. Singapore,

    Alshewaier, S., Yeowell, G.M., Fatoye, F. (2015) 'Investigation of the Prevalence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury and Awareness of Healthcare Professionals and Patients about Pre-operative Physiotherapy Treatment in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia..' In The Fifth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society. Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain,

    Willgoss, T., Humphrey, L., Fatoye, F., Yohannes, A.M. (2014) 'Concept mapping of anxiety instruments to a conceptual model of anxiety in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: exploring the potential for confounding somatic items..' In ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress. Amsterdam, 11/2014 -

    Willgoss, T., Humphrey, L., Fatoye, F., Yohannes, A.M. (2014) 'The anxiety inventory for respiratory disease (AIR): exploring psychometric properties through RASCH measurement theory.' In ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress. Armsterdam, 11/2014 -

    Xing, M., Kong, D., Chui, J., Feng, L., Dai, F., Xu, H., Hou, Y., Fatoye, F. (2014) 'The effectiveness of pragmatic acupuncture in patients with Painful Diabetic Neuropathy (PDN) - a pilot study.' In International Symposium on Acupuncture Research. Beinjin, China, 4/2014 -

    Yohannes, A.M., Willgoss, T., Fatoye, F., Goldbart, J. (2013) 'Validity of the anxiety inventory for respiratory disease specific scale in patients with COPD..' In American Thoracic Society International Conference. Philadelphia, 5/2013 -

    Willgoss, T.G., Yohannes, A.M., Goldbart, J., Fatoye, F. (2011) 'THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NOVEL SCALE TO SCREEN AND MEASURE ANXIETY IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD).' In Winter Meeting of the British-Thoracic-Society. 66. Westminster, ENGLAND, 7/12/2011 - 9/12/2011. B M J PUBLISHING GROUP, pp. A44-A44.

    Fatoye, F.A., Willgoss, T., Yohannes, A.M., Goldbart, J., Fatoye, F. (2011) 'Everything was spiralling out of control, accounts of anxiety in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).' In Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress. Liverpool, 10/2011 -

    Willgoss, T., Yohannes, A.M., Goldbart, J., Fatoye, F. (2011) 'Everything was spiralling out of control Stories of anxiety in COPD.' In The Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists Annual Conference. Warwick, UK, 5/2011 -

    Hensman-Crook, A., Fatoye, F. (2011) 'A prospective randomised controlled trial comparing outpatient physiotherapy and a home exercise programme following a primary total knee replacement..' In Australian Rheumatology Association, Queensland, May 2011.. Queensland, 5/2011 -

    Willgoss, T., Yohannes, A.M., Goldbart, J., Fatoye, F. (2011) 'When am I going to get my next breath? A qualitative study of the experience of anxiety in people with COPD..' In IV World Asthma and COPD Forum, Paris, April 2011. Paris, 4/2011 -

    Bartley, J., Fatoye, F. (2011) 'The effect of whole body vibration [WBV] on balance and walk speed of adults with learning disabilities - a preliminary study..' In European Congress of Sport Science. Liverpool, 7/2011 -

    Yohannes, A.M., Willgoss, T., Fatoye, F., Dodd, M., Webb, K. (2011) 'Predictors of rehospitalization of adults with cystic fibrosis.' In Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress. Liverpool, 10/2011 -

    Yohannes, A.M., Willgoss, T., Dodd, M., Fatoye, F., Webb, K. (2010) 'Validity and Reliability of a Single-Item Measure of Quality of Life Scale for Patients With Cystic Fibrosis.' In Chest. Vancouver,

    Yohannes, A.M., Willgoss, T., Fatoye, F., Dodd, M., Webb, K. (2010) 'The Impact of Depression on Health Related Quality of Life in Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis.' In Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress in Liverpool, UK.. Liverpool, UK.,

    Fatoye, F.A., Yohannes, A.M., Willgoss, T., Fatoye, F., Dodd, M., Webb, K. (2010) 'Prevalence of Anxiety and Association with Health Related Quality of Life in Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis.' In European Respiratory Society Conference. Barcelona,

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2010) 'Pain, generalised joint laxity and neuromuscular impairments in children with hypermobility syndrome: are they related?.' In EULAR Conference. 69 (Suppl3). Rome, Italy, pp. 709-709.

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmilian, F., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2009) 'Pain is not associated with functional ability and generalised joint laxity in children with hypermobility syndrome.' In 5th World Congress for the World Institute of Pain. New York, USA.,

    Fatoye, F.A., Macmillan, F., Palmer, S., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2008) 'Lack of correlation between knee joint kinaesthesia and position sense tests in children with hypermobility syndrome.' In Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress. Manchester, UK,

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2008) 'Pain and quality of life perception in children with hypermobility syndrome Rheumatology, 47:2 (Suppl); ii27.' In British Society of Rheumatology. 47ii27. Liverpool, UK, pp. ii27-ii27.

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2007) 'Knee joint kinematics and joint ROM in healthy children and children with hypermobility syndrome.' In 4th International Biomechanics Conference Salford, England, UK.. Salford, UK,

    Fatoye, F.A., Plamer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2007) 'Relationship between knee joint kinaesthesia and position sense in healthy children.' In The 4th International Biomechanics Conference Salford, England, UK. Salford, UK,

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., Vand der Linden, M. (2006) 'Test-retest repeatability of knee kinematics and range of motion in children diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome.' In Annual meeting of the American Society for Biomechanics,.. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA,

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2006) 'Neuromuscular impairments in children diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome: A preliminary study.' In British Society of Rheumatology. 45:1 (Suppl); i114.. Glasgow, Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy B - Oxford Open Option B, pp. Suppl i114.-Suppl i114..

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P., Van der Linden, M. (2006) 'Knee joint kinematics and joint ROM in healthy children and children with hypermobility syndrome: A pilot study.' In The 14th biennial conference for the Canadian Society for Biomechanics. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.,

    Fatoye, F.A., Palmer, S., Macmillan, F., Rowe, P. (2005) 'Investigation of learning effects in healthy subjects during joint position sense assessment using a motorised device.' In Physiotherapy Research Society. Nottingham, UK.,

  • Presentations

    Hamshire, C.H., Cavan, G., Fatoye, F. (2017) An Exploration of the Benefits of an urban park for promoting health and well-being. [Presentation] Cape Town,2/7/2017.

  • Posters

    Betts, A., Odeyemi, I., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F., Devlin, N. (2017) 'Addressing uncertainty in wound management using a modified Delphi methodology.' [Poster] Date viewed 8/11/2017.

    Smith, J., Yeowell, G., Fatoye, F.A. (2016) 'Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a physiotherapy Case Management Service for back pain.' [Poster] In European Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Date viewed 11/11/2016.