My profile


I’m an Experiential Learning Tutor for Rise, Manchester Met’s award-winning space for experiential learning in the extended curriculum. Along with designing, delivering and curating innovative learning experiences, we also administer the accreditation framework that enables students to enhance their degree outcomes through Rise. 

I completed a PhD in 2022. As a researcher, I explored the exciting field of Digital Humanities and worked to use coding to facilitate my research into the history of Manchester. This has solidified my belief in the value of digital capabilities and their application across and beyond the curriculum, and I am particularly enthusiastic about empowering students to become lifelong learners and confident users of technology. 

Interests and expertise

I head up the area of Digital Literacy, working to develop students’ digital and tech skills through Rise, offering workshops, resources and challenges on topics including data analysis, coding and digital communication. I also lead on the University’s award-winning offer of industry-recognised certifications for students, delivering micro-credentials in Microsoft, Adobe, Cybersecurity and Project Management. 

I am Faculty link with the School of Business and Law; collaborating with staff to support students’ engagement with Rise to enhance their learning experience and professional development outside of their academic programme.