
Why did you choose to study at Manchester Met?

I studied Computer Science and Technology for my undergraduate. It is a lovely course and career path, but I never fully connected to the course. I basically studied the course just to graduate and get a good job. I have always been a creative and hospitable person. I enjoyed organising events, and I served as the Director of Health and Welfare during my undergraduate, so to better understand the role and duties I had to carry out I carried out more research and that was when I came across a degree in hospitality management.  I never knew that was a course that could be studied in school so I began more research into it and that was when I decided to study the course for my postgraduate, as I had already finished my undergraduate studies at that time.

I chose to study at Manchester Met because of the level of information regarding my course which I saw on the university’s website. The units offered, the placement opportunity and the fact that there was going to be networking opportunities with industry experts. All these were important for me as the tourism and hospitality industry was a new career path for me.

How were you supported throughout the course?

The learning style has been taught options and assessments. Initially, I had difficulties adjusting to the assessments and understanding what was expected of me, but I believe I am gaining a better understanding of them now. As an international student, adjusting was hectic due to accommodation issues, having to balance with classes and the assessments.

What parts of the course did you enjoy most?

The features I enjoy the most about my course are the external events, industry talks and meeting with industry experts. These have allowed me to have a hands-on experience and learning of the industry as opposed to having only class taught knowledge.

Has the course impacted your career and ambitions for the future?

The course has impacted my career and ambition in the sense that as opposed to my undergraduate, I know for certain that this is an industry that I would love to build a career in and it’s not too late for me to start my career. There are so many opportunities that the hospitality and tourism industry offers that any skill I had previously is easily transferable. Attending industry related events and seminars also gave me first-hand insight into the industry.

My top tip for future students is…

Participate in industry related events. They help you understand the industry from the perspective of people that are currently in the industry, and this will help you make better career decisions.