Results on Library Search


If you search for books on Library Search you will find either print/physical books or ebooks. Select book then print or ebook under Format.

Print books - Beneath the title, the result is listed as a Print Book. You can also see the edition, a summary and whether or not the book is available to borrow.  The location of the book in the library is listed and the shelf mark, i.e., 300.72 CRE which you will need to locate it on the shelf. If the book is out on loan you will have the option to reserve it.

Ebooks - Beneath the title the result is listed as an ebook. Click on View ebook to access it. You may be asked to sign in with your Manchester Metropolitan University ID and password if you haven’t already, and then you will be redirected to the ebook. For some results you may see an Access Online link. When you click on it you will see multiple access options. The ebook can be accessed from more than one provider. Choose one of the View ebook links to access the ebook.

Journal Articles

You can search for journal articles, by selecting Article under Format

Beneath the title, the result is listed as an article and to the right of the result it is listed as peer reviewed. Peer reviewed articles are top quality articles written by experts in their field and reviewed before publication.

To read the article, click on View full text. You may be asked to sign in with your Manchester Metropolitan University ID and password if you haven’t already, and then you will be redirected to the article.

For some results you may see an Access Online link. When you click on it you will see multiple access options. The article can be accessed from more than one provider. Choose one of the View full text links to access the article.

Expanding your Results

You can choose to expand your search by ticking Libraries Worldwide under Held By Library

You may still see results for sources that you can access via Manchester Metropolitan University Library, but you will also see results like the one below. Click on the View all link next to Worldwide Editions and Formats  to see which libraries hold an item or, provide access to it. For journal articles, click on the title for additional information.

Saving Results

Each result has a Save icon, click on it to save an item. Once an item has been saved the icon will change. To view saved items, click on Saved items.

From the Saved items folder, you have the option to create a permanent list, email yourself the items, export items to EndNote, move items to a permanent list or delete items.

Please note: You will need to be signed in to save items to a list for future reference. If you are not signed in, items will only be saved temporarily.

To add items to a permanent list for future reference, click on Create List.

You can then give the list a name and description and choose to make the list private, so it is only visible to you or, make the list shared meaning that other people can view and share your list.

Library Search Video

Library Search

Watch the Library Search video to see all these features in full