News | Thursday, 19th October 2023

Manchester Met research explores ‘lifelong wellbeing' at Festival of Social Science

Manchester Metropolitan University will be showcasing the best of social science research at the 21st Economic and Social Research Council’s (ESRC) Festival of Social Science.

an illustration of people in the park doing activities that boots their wellbeing: yoga, walking, gardening.
Explore topics relating to social science. From health and wellbeing to crime, equality, education and identity

This year’s theme focuses on lifelong wellbeing, exploring mental and physical health at all ages and celebrating the 75th anniversary of the NHS.

The University will be hosting a range of exciting and creative events between 21 October and 17 November 2023, exploring relationships between parents and adolescents, how sport can improve lives and the role Universal Credit has on work wellbeing.

Professor Nick Brook, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research said: “The Festival of Social Science is an excellent opportunity to discover some of the world-leading work our researchers are undertaking in the social sciences.

I hope you enjoy exploring more on how our research is engaging local communities, shaping policy and making an impact in the wider world.”

A full list of University events can be found on the Manchester Met Festival of Social Science webpage.

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Festival of Social Science is an annual celebration of the social sciences and a key element of ESRC’s commitment to promote awareness of UK social science research to new audiences.

Manchester Metropolitan is just one of 42 partner institutions taking part in the Festival of Social Science, find out more about the events taking place across the UK.

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