Black Lives in Manchester and the North West at the Time of the 1945 Pan African Congress


Thursday 15 October 2020


5.30pm – 7.00pm

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Watch a recording of the event below or on the PAC@75 YouTube channel

The Manchester Centre for Public History and Heritage (MCPHH) is delighted to be hosting a talk by Dr Ray Costello followed by a Live Q&A session to mark the 75th anniversary of the Pan African Congress Conference in Manchester. Dr Costello’s talk will examine Black Lives in Manchester and the North West at the time of the 1945 Pan African Congress. 

Dr Ray Costello is a former Adviser for Racial Equality for Liverpool Education Authority Schools Inspection Department. He is now an Honorary Research Fellow of the University of Liverpool School of Sociology, an Historical Consultant for Merseyside Maritime Museum, National Museums Liverpool (NML) and a board member of the Centre for the Study of International Slavery (CSIS). He has been involved with many radio and television programmes and has a number of publications. His latest book is Black Tommies: British soldiers of African descent in the First World War, Liverpool University Press, 2015.


