Lauren Rees

Egyptomania in the 21st century and its effect on modern perceptions of ancient Egypt

  • Registration:  PhD
  • Principal supervisor: Dr Jennifer Cromwell
  • Other supervisors: Dr Andrew Crome
  • Start and end dates: April 2021 to April 2024

Background and aims

My research is focusing on how Egyptomania has influenced modern perceptions of ancient Egypt, and whether this has resulted in the trivialisation and misunderstanding of ancient Egyptian history and culture.  This can be broken down into 3 main areas:

Firstly, there will be a focus on the treatment of human remains within museums, and how this may inadvertently uphold colonial legacies. This is most notable in the disconnect between Egyptian mummies and human remains more generally. 

Secondly, do Egyptologists play an active role in creating the representations of Egypt in cinema, and if so, how might this be problematic. Especially as many depictions of ancient Egypt are affected by modern politics.

Thirdly, with the rising popularity of neopaganism, do religious sects such as Kemetic Orthodoxy fall into the category of cultural appreciation or appropriation?


  • Will be added when available.

Conference presentations

  • Will be added when available.

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