My profile


Who I am 

I attained my PhD in Consumer Research from the University of Manchester in 2017, which explored the interrelations between bodies and time within the context of tattoo consumption. Following my PhD, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Place Management based at Manchester Metropolitan University (for which I still work as a Research Associate), learning more about research impact within the context of place-related research, before starting my current lecturing role at MMU.

I conduct research on the themes of consumer culture, the body, time, place, and atmospheres, using a range of qualitative methodologies. And am part of the IPM team leading the national High Streets Task Force.

As a Senior Lecturer in Marketing, I am unit leader of Level 5 Consumption Behaviour and Level 7 Place Research, and am also a UG/PG/PhD dissertation supervisor. I am the programme leader for the postgraduate courses in Place Management and Leadership. I am also the Knowledge Platform Lead for Place Management Research. 

Prizes and awards

I won the Best Paper in Track award at the 2016 Academy of Marketing Conference.

I was awarded the President’s Doctoral Scholar Award as a PhD student at the University of Manchester.

I won programme prizes at the University of Manchester for top second and final year grades on the Management (Marketing) Undergraduate Programme, as well as the Brenda McLellan Dissertation Prize. 

Editorial Board membership

I am on the editorial board for the Journal of Marketing Management and the Journal of Place Management and Development.

Membership of professional associations

Associate, Institute of Place Management.

Academy of Marketing.

Fellow, Higher Education Academy.


I co-wrote and featured in an impact case study for REF 2021 entitled: Transforming the Vitality and Viability of the UK’s High Streets, which was rated as either 3 or 4*.

You can read a summary of the impact featured in the impact case study here.


I am currently conducting research using multi-sensory methods to study Blackpool North Pier’s atmospheres. 

I am also involved in the national High Streets Task Force for UK government, leading on the resource library which you can see here.


I am programme leader of Place Management and Leadership postgraduate courses. 

I am unit leader for L5 Consumption Behaviour and L7 Place Research.

I am also a UG/PG/and PhD dissertation supervisor.


I am interested in supervising qualitative PhD projects around the following topics:

- The body and consumption.

- Affect and atmospheres.

- Time and consumption.

- Consumption, death, and memorialisation.

- Consuming on the high street.

Research outputs

My primary research interests revolve around the intersections between consumer culture and the body, time, place, and atmospheres, using a range of qualitative methodologies. My most recent research looks at place atmospheres, craft beer festivals, and football consumption. 

I am also involved with the High Streets Task Force, which IPM received £8.6 million of funding from national government to lead over the next 5 years, to revitalise high streets and town centres across England, leading on the resource library. 

I am the Knowledge Platform Lead for Place Management Research (November 2023 - present) and I was the Profile and Engagement Coordinator for the Business Transformations Research Centre (October 2021 - July 2023).