My profile


I gained my PhD from the University of Warwick in 2013 on the effects of the economic crisis and austerity reforms on young people in Greece and Ireland. Since the completion of my PhD my research has focused on the ways that working conditions and workers experiences in specific sectors of the economy such as hospitality and tourism are being reshaped by changes in the economic, business, legal and political context.

Interests and expertise

Comparative Employment Relations

Trade Unions

Employment rights


Service Economy

Youth Transitions 


2022-2024: Research project funded Society of Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) on precarious young workers 

2019-2022: Research grant awarded by the European Commission in August 2019 under the Erasmus+ Higher Education program to study critical thinking in higher education. The total amount of the grant is around £280k and includes 6 countries in total.

2018-2019: Completion of contract work for the Director of Labour Market Enforcement (DLME) on the project ‘How has the UK hotels sector been affected by the fissuring of the worker-employer relationship in the last 10 years?’.


My teaching includes units at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I teach on a range of topics including HRM in hospitality, international HRM, employment relations.

I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of comparative employment relations, trade unions, knowledge economy, collective action and mobilization, service economy work and youth employment. 

Human Resource Management

There are few aspects of business more fundamental than people: they’re a vital ingredient of any organisation. It’s down to the HR professionals to deal with a vast range of business crit…


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of employment relations and trade unions with a focus on the the service economy. I am also interested in topics related to youth unemployment, youth transitions to the labour market and processes of deprofessionalization during the pandemic and the current crisis. 

Research outputs

Journal Articles

Papadopoulos, O and Ioannou, G (2022) Working in hospitality and catering in Greece and the UK: do trade union membership and collective bargaining still matter? European Journal of Industrial Relations  

Bithymitris, G and Papadopoulos, O (2022)Learning liminality: a case from Continuing education in Greece, Urbanities: A journal of urban ethnography. 12 (5): 82-98. 

Papadopoulos, O., Lopez‐Andreu, M., & Jamalian, M. (2021). Violation and lack of awareness of employment rights in the United Kingdom’s hotel industry: Isolation, fragmentation and barriers to labour enforcement. Industrial Relations Journal52(4), 315-330. 

Papadopoulos, O., & Lyddon, D. (2020). Deregulation and institutional conversion in the Greek hotel industry: an employment relations model in transition. Industrial Relations Journal51(1-2), 92-109.    

Papadopoulos, O. (2017) Economic crisis and youth unemployment: The Greek case. Science and Society Journal (Greek). 

Papadopoulos, O. (2016) Economic crisis and youth unemployment: Comparing Greece and Ireland European Journal of Industrial Relations 22(4): 409-426. 

Papadopoulos, O. (2014) Youth unemployment discourses in Greece and Ireland before and during the economic crisis: Moving from divergence to ‘contingent convergence’, Economic and Industrial Democracy 37 (3) 493-515. 

Papadopoulos , O. (2012) ‘The responses of the Greek trade unions to the youth employment crisis in Greece’, Employment and Economy in Eastern and Central Europe, emecon 2/2012.

Books and Book Chapters 

Papadopoulos, O (2021) Structural Barriers to Achieving Decent Work in the Greek Hospitality Industry: A Critical Employment Relations Approach in Decent Work: Opportunities and Challenges edited by Christie, F., Antoniadou, M.,  Albertson, K and Crowder, M.

Livanos, I and Papadopoulos, O (2019) ‘The rise of precarious employment in Europe: labour market reforms and employment trends in the era of economic crisis’. Monograph. Editor: Emerald (In Press). 

Eleftheriou, C and Papadopoulos, O (2018) ‘ The role of Troika in the Greek economic crisis and its social and political consequences. In ‘The Continuing Imperialism of Free Trade: Developments, Trends and the Role of Supra-National Agencies’ Edited by J. Grady and C. Grocott. Routledge. 

Papadopoulos, O (2018) Experiencing legitimate discrimination because of your age : Legal sub-minimum wages and vouchers programs in Greece since the crisis. In Sarris, N. and Balourdos, D. (Eds): ‘Tackling multiple discrimination in Greece: Delivering equality by active exploration and enabling policy interventions’.  National Centre for Social Research. 

Bithymitris, G and Papadopoulos, O (2017) ‘Μαθαίνοντας» την οριακότητα: Η περίπτωση ενός προγράμματος κατάρτισης ανέργων στον κλάδο τουρισμού’ [Learning Liminality: The case of aa training program in Tourism Industry]. Επιμελητές: Χριστίνα Καρακιουλάφη και Μάνος Σπυριδάκης, Εκδόσεις Gutemberg. 


López-Andreu, M., Papadopolous, O., & Jamalian, M. (2019). How has the UK hotels sector been affected by the fissuring of the worker–employer relationship in the last 10 years?. Report commissioned by the Director of Labour Market Enforcement, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Department  (DLME UK). 

Career history


Lecturer in Industrial Relations and HRM at Keele University