Our approach to privacy

The University handles a substantial amount of personal data about individuals.

We hold personal data about:

  • prospective students
  • applicants
  • current students
  • alumni
  • staff
  • research participants
  • users of our website
  • many other individuals that we come into contact with as a provider of higher education
  • contractors

It is important to us that you have trust and confidence that we will protect your privacy and uphold the highest standard of compliance with data protection law.

We have an obligation to inform our data subjects about the collection and use of their personal data by the University. This is a key transparency requirement under the UK General Data Protection Regulation.

About our privacy notices

You can find out more information about the way we use personal data by viewing our wide range of privacy notices.

There are separate privacy notices for different categories of individuals who we hold personal data about and for the services we offer. 

These notices inform you:

  • who we are
  • the personal data we process
  • how we obtained your personal data
  • how we use your personal data
  • our lawful bases for processing
  • who we share your personal data with
  • if applicable, how you can withdraw consent
  • your data subject rights
  • Our relevant retention periods
  • whether we use any automated profiling or decision-making
  • contact information

List of notices

Statement of public task

We explain when we rely upon UK GDPR Article 6(1)e - public task as our lawful basis for processing personal data in our Statement of Public Task.