Raven Lite

Raven Lite is a free software program that lets users record, save, and visualize sounds as spectrograms and waveforms. Raven Lite is intended for students, educators, and hobbyists, and can be used for learning about sounds, as an aid in birdsong recognition, and in musical instruction.


Windows versions of Raven Lite 2.0 require 64-bit Windows.

Cross-platform installers are provided by BitRock InstallBuilder.


Click on the ‘Download Now’ button to go to the RavenLite webpage, and then download the appropriate file for your operating system. Installation requires administrator privileges.


Double click on the ‘RavenLite-2.0.1-windows-installer.exe’ in your downloads folder and follow the prompts.


Double click on the ‘RavenLite-2.0.1-osx-installer.dmg’ in your downloads folder, then double click on the ‘RavenLite-2.0.1-osx-installer.app’ and follow the prompts.


In a terminal, navigate to the download location. Untar the download and execute the .run file as root:

$ gzip -d RavenLite-2.0.1-linux-x64-installer.tgz
$ tar -xvf RavenLite-2.0.1-linux-x64-installer.tar
$ sudo ./RavenLite-2.0.1-linux-x64-installer.run

Open Raven Lite. If prompted for serial number, you have four options:

  • Paste in a Raven Lite serial number if you have one.
  • Click on “Run Demo” to allow Raven Pro to work for 10 minutes.
  • Get a free license for Raven Lite.

On campus version

We currently run version 2.0.1 on campus