My profile


I am a Lecturer in Economics at the Manchester Metropolitan University. Prior to joining the University, I was a graduate research and teaching assistant at the University of Liverpool Management School where I studied for an undergraduate degree in Economics, a masters degree in Finance and a PhD in Economics and Finance. 

I currently research a range of quantitative topics in economics and finance, with a focus on predictive regressions using robust econometric methods, stock return predictability, variable selection, and uncertainty in financial markets and the macroeconomy. 

I have teaching experience in a range of quantitative units, including undergraduate and postgraduate courses in econometrics, quantitative methods, international finance and corporate finance. 

I am currently the Unit Leader for the Economics of Corporate Finance I & II available to second-year undergraduate students. The courses aim to help students understand the key financial decisions that businesses need to make, along with understanding how corporations fit into the broader financial markets.

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Research outputs

  • Applied econometrics, financial economics, forecasting, empirical asset pricing. 
  • Stock return predictability, predictive regressions, trading strategies. 

  • Robust econometric methods, bootstrap procedures, volatility modelling, switching regressions.