The Manchester Metropolitan iSchool is based in the Department of Languages, Information & Communications and has a world-wide reputation for postgraduate teaching and research. 

In the iSchool we bring a diversity of disciplinary perspectives to core research areas in knowledge management, information retrieval systems, digital marketing, information behaviours, user experience, cultural and social research on social media, digital cultures and communities, digital humanities and digital heritage

Staff offer supervision of research degrees in the following broad areas:

Current PhD students study in a range of topics, including:

Before applying for a research degree, applicants are strongly encouraged to have a preliminary discussion with a member of staff to discuss a proposed research project. To arrange this please contact Dr Stella Bullo Research Degrees Coordinator.

Research degrees are available to study on-campus or through distance learning.

More about research degrees and how to apply

How to apply for a distance learning PhD

The Manchester Metropolitan iSchool also has the Gateway PhD Program in partnership with the San Jose State University, California, USA.

Follow this link to apply for the San Jose State University Gateway PhD Program.
