Welcome to our information page for employers of learners on the Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship. If you require further information, please email the Apprenticeships Unit or call (+44) 0161 247 3720 (9:00am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday).
You play a crucial role in supporting your apprentices’ learning and identifying opportunities for the development of their social work practice. Please bookmark this page as it is regularly updated.
Line manager and mentor information and workshops
To help managers and mentors understand their role in supporting an apprentices’ development and to find out more about our course, we schedule regular manager and mentor workshops.
These sessions include:
- introduction to the Manchester Met Apprenticeships Unit
- course structure, content, delivery, and assessment
- role of a workplace manager or mentor
- supporting apprentice learners
- engaging with the e-portfolio
- an opportunity to ask questions
Mentor guide
This guide outlines the main expectations of the role, a suggested timeline of activities, and a range of resources that you may find useful to use with your apprentice. It also contains information about preparing for reviews – the important three-monthly meeting between you as the mentor, your apprentice, and the University skills coach.
Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship mentor guide
These frequently requested resources are contained within the mentor guide, but are also available below for easy access:
If you would like any advice or guidance, please contact your apprentice’s skills coach.
Course handbook
The course handbook is available to all apprentices through the online learning environment, Moodle. Find key information about the course, university policies, and details about the role of managers and mentors.
Apprentice timetables 2024-2025
Your apprentices will access their timetables through their Virtual Learning Environment, once they have enrolled.
Apprenticeship standard
The apprenticeship standard provides the building blocks for our Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship. It is the blueprint for the development of our apprentices across the duration of the course. The standard will be used regularly during reviews as a point of reference, and we recommend that you familiarise yourself with its contents.
If you require any of the above documents in a different format, please email us.