Sustainability Fund

Why we require your personal information

Manchester Metropolitan is the Controller for the information you provide within your application for the sustainability fund. We require personal information including your name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth and gender along with details of your project idea to consider you for the fund. Processing your information in this way for the purposes of awarding the fund is conducted in the public interest (‘public task’).

 In addition, under the Equality Act 2010 we are obliged to consider reasonable adjustments and offer support on the grounds on health and disability (‘legal obligation’). We will give you an opportunity to provide medical and disability data for the following purposes:

  • Determine whether any adjustments need to be made for you if you have declared a disability.
  • Take account of, and provide additional support for, any disabilities, health issues or conditions.


We also ask for your consent to conduct the following activities:

  • Contact you about events or activities which are held for our Sustainability Fund recipients and that we think may be of interest to you.
  • Invite you to participate in student focus groups and/or surveys.
  • Invite you to be involved in our marketing activities, which may include using your image or creating videos, vlogs or social media content.

You are free to choose if you would like us to use your information in this way – your decision will not affect your application.


Applications forms / Sustainability Fund related information relating to unsuccessful applicants will be retained for 12 months from the end of the application process. We will retain the personal data relating to financial support and student tuition fees of successful applicants until the termination of our Sustainability Fund relationship with you + 6 years. This includes:

  • Records documenting remission of tuition fees in exceptional circumstances.
  • Invoices documenting the payment of financial aid funds to individual students.
  • Records documenting payment of prizes.

If you provide us with your consent for the purposes listed in the ‘consent’ section, we will retain a record of your name, email address and telephone number for as long as deemed relevant, and we will contact you every 2 years to ask if you wish to remain on our contact list.

More information

For further information abut the sustainability fund and the use of your personal information, please contact in the first instance.

Your rights

The data protection legislation gives you several rights over your personal data, including the right of access and to object.

Please note, that these rights apply in certain circumstances, for example according to the lawful basis utilised by the University. To exercise these rights please write to or data protection officer at:

You also have the right to complain to the supervisory authority if you would like to complain about how we use your data. To do this, please contact: or telephone: 0303 123 1113. For any further contact information please see: