News | Monday, 6th March 2023

Five ways to manage stress at university

spotting the signs and getting support

Advice on helping you manage your stress more effectively

University is an exciting and fun chapter in your life, but it can also be stressful at times. With so much going on, knowing how to manage your stress is key. 

It might be your first time away from home and your childhood friends. Or exams and meeting coursework deadlines might be causing you worry.  

Remember that stress is a natural feeling. It is designed to help you cope with challenging situations. In small amounts it can help because it pushes you to work hard and do your best.  

But if you are struggling to manage your stress, it can lead to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, so it’s important you listen to your body and make some changes or get support.  

How to spot the signs of stress  

Stress can make you: 

You may start to: 

Five steps to help you manage stress at uni 

1. Talk to someone  

Talking to someone is often the first step to feeling better. This might be a professional, close friend or family member. If you’re worried about your work, chat to someone on your course. You will probably find they are feeling the same, so it can help to support each other. 
Tip: Did you know…socialising with a friend just once a week can help reduce your stress levels and improve your mood as much as a session of counselling.  
2. Mindfulness and wellbeing  

Mindfulness is a popular coping mechanism to tackle stress or anxiety. Using deep breathing and guided meditation gives you time to step away from your thoughts and focus on the here and now. We offer a range of wellbeing workshops and courses including how to manage your stress and practising mindfulness. 
3. Exercise and eating well  

Regular exercise can help relieve stress in many ways. It doesn’t have to be a gruelling gym session, you just need to get your heart racing, so a nice brisk walk can do the trick. 
Fancy trying something new? You can book onto one of the many free sport and fitness activities on campus every week. It's just as important to eat a healthy too, so make a meal planner using some cheap and easy recipes.  
4. Time management  

Do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Do you have course deadlines and you don’t know where to start? It is this feeling of being overwhelmed that can lead to stress. 
The hardest part is knowing where to start. Take some time out to plan and list the things that you need to do. Why not follow our tips to working more productively. We guarantee you’ll feel so much better.  
5. Get enough sleep  

Sleep can’t be underestimated. Your mental health and wellbeing rely on you getting enough sleep - no-one functions at 100% when they are tired. Try and get into a good routine. Relax by reading a book, listen to a podcast and go to bed at the same time every night. Avoid going on your phone and looking at social media before bed.  

Where to find help and support 

Feel you might need some extra support? Our Counselling, Mental Health, and Wellbeing services offer 1-2-1 appointments. 

You can also contact the UK’s student mental health charity Student Minds or contact your local GP for advice. 

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