About the CoP

The purpose of this CoP is to give all community members the opportunity to develop their thinking and practice in relation to educational technology by talking about research, teaching or projects they have been involved with linked to EdTech, and to share examples of practice and ‘theory into practice’ from both within and outside the institution.

If you are interested in joining and shaping the Ed Tech Community of Practice or have any enquiries relating to the Ed Tech CoP, contact PA to Director of Education Faculty of Health and Education.

Here is an introduction to the CoP from Janet Lord, Head of Education for the Faculty of Education.

Our focus for 20/21

  • To continue to use the Cop as a means of developing and facilitating a supportive dialogue about educational technology.
  • To continue to use the Cop to support learning about educational technology.
  • To share good practice and new ideas with colleagues (both academic and professional services).
  • To use the CoP to keep connected with others who also have an interest in Ed Tech.
  • To use the CoP to ensure that we share good practice both in and out of the university (e.g. conference and social media).
  • To look at ways to encourage students to engage in the Ed Tech process more.
  • To ensure staff in departments feel confident and comfortable using technology as part of their teaching.
  • To explore how the CoP’s learning and experiences can impact long-term teaching and learning.
  • To support staff who are finding the blank screens and limited feedback difficult.
  • To use the CoP to share online delivery best practice as well as to explore opportunities for where elements of current practice can continue in a Covidian and post-Covid world.
  • To bring together academics and professional services to improve education technology reliant processes.
  • To find time to connect with others more.
  • To read recent research to ensure that we are engaging in evidence based practice.