
The death of a loved one can be one of the most distressing experiences that we face. Common reactions to bereavement include grief, shock, numbness, yearning, guilt and anger. In reality though each of us will grieve in our own personal way and in their own time - everyone is different.

These resources cover bereavement:

  • The Royal College of Psychiatrists have produced a Bereavement Leaflet about how people grieve, unresolved grief, where to get help, other resources and how friends and family can help. So if you are supporting someone who is bereaved this leaflet will be of help to you too.
  • Bereavement Leaflet written by the NHS – similar to the above but it also includes some of the practical things you may need to do when someone dies.
  • MMU Library Wellbeing Wakelet contains a collection of resources you can use to improve your wellbeing, including information on bereavement. You’ll find links to the Library catalogue (for print books and ebooks), websites, PDFs, podcasts and videos.
  • Student Space bereavement and loss resources by Student Minds helps students who have experienced a loss due to coronavirus.
  • Support after a Suicide Booklet put together by the charity Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide - this booklet contains information about coping with suicide, giving support and practical help.
  • The Support After Suicide Partnership has a useful resource for people bereaved through suicide or other unexplained death, and for those helping them.

Support services: