
Change and uncertainty during a global pandemic can understandably affect your mental health and wellbeing. We are here to support you, so please contact us if you need help during this time.

There are a number of helpful resources available to you as a Manchester Met student and a Greater Manchester resident. Below are a list of websites or downloadable information that you may find useful:

COVID-19 Guidance

  • Our dedicated COVID-19 support pages provide a thorough overview of the support on offer to students during COVID-19.
  • Visit the COVID-19 safety pages for the latest guidance, including how to keep yourself up to date and what you should do if you need to self-isolate.


  • UK student charity Student Minds launched Student Space to offer resources to students who may need additional mental health and wellbeing support during COVID-19.
  • For tips and advice on how to make the most of starting university during the COVID-19 pandemic, see this Youth Mental Health Matters blog.
  • Staying connected socially is hugely important for your wellbeing. Our staying connected online guide provides some helpful tips for ways of tackling loneliness and meeting others virtually.
  • The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has a whole host of ideas and schemes to get involved with to improve wellbeing for you and the ones around you during the pandemic.
  • It is completely normal to be worried or uneasy with the concerns of the global health crisis. Psychology Tools have put together this guide to help manage your worry and anxiety in these uncertain times.
  • If you are self-isolating, it can be a difficult time to know how to spend your time whilst managing your mental wellbeing. The NHS has put together a Self-Isolation Psychology Wellbeing Pack full of ideas on how to divide your time constructively.

Mental Health


  • Losing a loved one during this time can be overwhelming and distressing. There is bereavement aid in place in Manchester. Call 0161 983 0902 or visit the Greater Manchester Bereavement Service for additional help on what resources are available to you.
  • Our dedicated bereavement self-help page provides further resources and details of support services.

If you need wellbeing or mental health support, please contact the Counselling, Mental Health and Wellbeing team. For advice relating to self-isolation, including ways you can receive practical support, please email studentsupport@mmu.ac.uk.