
Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body such as by cutting, burning, scratching or dangerous risk-taking. It is usually a way of coping with or expressing overwhelming emotional distress.

People may self-injure because of pressure and stress from things like: relationships, family problems, university or as a way of dealing with situations like abuse or a death. You may not fully know why you self-injure.

Sources of useful information:

  • The NHS website contains comprehensive written information and videos.
  • Self-injury Support is a national organisation that supports girls and women affected by self-injury or self-harm.
  • LifeSIGNS is a user-led small charity creating understanding about self-injury.
  • An award-winning app that may help is Calm Harm. It is free to download and helps to manage the urge to self-harm.

MEDICAL ATTENTION SHOULD BE SOUGHT IMMEDIATELY if an injury is serious or you have taken an overdose, please call 999 for help in a crisis.