Podcasts for your wellbeing - you can change your mind!

Modern neuroscience shows that we don’t need to be stuck with old negative habits, little by little we can make changes. We have a recorded a range of wellbeing podcasts for you to listen to. Topics include relaxation, compassion and mindfulness practice. 

See all wellbeing podcasts

Here are some suggestions and recordings that you can practise and download:

Mindfulness - being with all of our experience

You can’t change the waves but you can learn to surf. Mindfulness is often described as knowing what is happening while it is happening. We spend a lot of time on automatic pilot just getting through without really being aware of what is going on for us. Mindfulness is about bringing a gentle awareness and acceptance of all our experience in the present moment.

Suggestions and Practice for Challenging Times: this series of podcasts have been written for these strange times of pandemic, but could be helpful in any challenging time; for times when things become uncertain, and we maybe lose our footing and wobble a bit. They give a few suggestions and a practice to follow.

The 3 Minute Breathing Space: this is a practice you can try at any time. It helps us to get in touch with all of our experience, just as we are, just now.

The Body Scan: we are often out of touch with our bodies. It is important that as we practice mindfulness we do so with gentleness and kindness.

Sitting with Breath as Support: this guided practice helps you to settle the mind, ground yourself in your body and rest in the present moment with the support of breath.

Savouring – tasting and appreciating experiences

Our tricky brains are much better at noticing what is “wrong”, rather than what is good in our lives. We can redress the balance by savouring the small pleasures, like a good cup of tea, a beautiful sunset. Bring to mind something that you have enjoyed recently, or perhaps sit now with a cup of tea or a pretty flower before you.

Listen to the Savouring Experiences podcast

Relaxation - just letting go

We often hold a lot of tension in our bodies without even realising it. Think how different your body feels after a swim or a run. We can benefit from developing the skill of relaxing and letting go of tension.

Listen to the Progressive Muscular Relaxation podcast

MMU Sport Podcast

Gain an insight into sport here at Manchester Met with the MMU Sport Podcast. We cover all aspects from sport, health, fitness, coaching, and everything in between - whilst, sharing practical and motivational tips along the way.

Listen to the MMU Sport Podcast

Looking for more?

The Mental Health Foundation offer a range of podcasts for your wellbeing, including ones for relaxation, mindfulness and stress.